Old Man

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Old man- Neil young

That PruManoCan threeway I promised is up in "hetalia one shots" for those who I promised it to five months ago. Or at least it should be. Wattpad decided to be a clever little shit and no longer let me prepublish offline because they're assholes. Make your app offline friendly. Geez guys.

"Giiiiiilllll I really don't wanna go anywhere!" Matthew whined as Gilbert tried to yank him out of bed.
"I have to take care of jou."
"Then stay home with me."
"Franny is mein best friend, I have to go to his vedding."
"Then leave me behind. I'm an adult."
Gilbert let go of Matthew and sat down on the edge of the bed. "If jou ended up killing jourself vhile I vas gone...I vould blame meinself for zhe rest of mein life."
"I don't want to go to a wedding."
"Vell too fucking bad. Jou should have zhought of zhat before jou tried to go all Sherlock Holmes off zhe roof!" Gilbert's voice had a harsh edge to it that Matthew had never heard before. It startled the blonde to the point of bursting into tears.
Gilbert panicked and tried to sooth the Canadian with a hug.
He rubbed his back and shushed him repeatedly until he was quiet.
"I'll go to the wedding. But I'm not dressing up."
"Okay, fine, there's a suit in my closet I was gonna use for my funeral anyway..."
Gilbert gave Matthew a sad smile. "Danke for doing zhis."
"You're welcome."
They embraced a little bit longer before breaking apart.
"Get packed."
Matthew nodded and got right to work, throwing some hoodies and jeans into a grocery bag and pulling a clothing bag with a white suit from his closet.
Gilbert threw together what he had brought in his backpack.
"Do you have a suit?" Matthew asked softly.
Gilbert shook his head. "I have a dress shirt...I'm sure I can pick up a tie und pants on zhe vay..."
Matthew tilted his head before getting up and reopening his stuffed closet. He dug around for a few minutes before popping back out, something in his hand.
"Here," he turned his head away, blushing softly. There was a crumpled tie in his hand. Gilbert took it and inspected its pattern with interest.
"It was Ivan's."
"Jou kept it?"
Matthew didn't say anything. He pretended Gilbert hadn't said anything.
"So...ve still have anozher half hour before zhe car picks us up."
"Vhat do jou vant to do?"
"I want to take a bath with my toaster."
The blonde collapsed onto the bed, burying his face in his arms.
Gilbert pet his head. His hand caught on his curl and Matthew sat up suddenly.
"D-don't do that!" Matthew blushed.
"Do vhat?"
"THAT!" Matthew gestured toward his hair.
"I zhought jou liked me petting jour hair."
"I never said-"
"It calms jou down."
"Don't touch my fucking curl is that too much to ask."
"Matthew, calm down."
"NO!" Matthew pushed Gil off the bed and ran to the bathroom, tripping on the way.
"MATTHEW!" Gilbert shouted. He got up and rammed himself against the bathroom door, heart shattering when he discovered it was locked. "I'm sorry! Please come out. I-"
He stopped when he heard Matthew crying. The choked wheezing sounds that emitted from his throat...Gilbert doubted the blonde could even breathe.
He listened at the door for the crying to stop.
It took half an hour, but eventually he quieted down. Gilbert found a screwdriver in the junk drawer and used it to remove the doorknob and enter the room.
Matthew was on the floor on his side, glasses askew and eyes were closed with sleep. Gilbert picked him up and carried him along with their luggage down to where the sleek black car was just pulling up.
He loaded the blonde into the back seat and buckled him in. The driver didn't even bat an eye.


Yo, lemme tell you something cute af.
My moms boyfriend hasn't been up much lately because his mother was sick with cancer.
She died about a week ago.
He came to my mom and apologized for "being an asshole."
He thought he was being an asshole for not spending a shit ton of time with his girlfriend.
Because his mom was dying.
He is so nice to my mom tbh. I hope they stay together for a long time.

One More NightTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang