I know what you did last summer

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I know what you did last summer-Sean Mendez

"Ow, shit." Matthew moaned out the moment he awoke the next morning at noon, Gilbert tucked into his arms.
"Me too."
Matthew tried to laugh, but the pain was too bad. He pressed his hand to his head, trying to figure out everything he'd managed to do.
Did he sleep with Gil again?
No. They were both fully clothed. So why were they cuddling?
"I'm gay for you." Gilbert muttered in his sleep. Matthew snorted softly. He thought the German was cute.
"Ich liebe dich, birdie."
The Canadian lifted an eyebrow in question. He had no idea what those words meant but he knew they were directed at him.
He wanted to google translate the words, but he was also hungry.
He squirmed out of the bed as delicately as he could and started collecting ingredients to make homemade pancakes. It had been a while since he made the dish and he planned to get it perfect.
He was done within a half hour. The Canadian crawled into bed next to Gilbert and started tickling him awake.
"Hey!" The German squealed, squirming away from his friend. Matthew straddled the male to keep him from moving so much and continued to prod him.
He stopped when Gilbert smacked his cheek accidentally.
"I'm so sorry." Gilbert clutched his chest.
Matthew was giggling too hard to speak. He lowered himself down to wrap his arms around his shoulders and burry his face in his neck. He smelled like old spice.
"In a sec. I just wanna lie here a little longer."
"Ew Mattie, zhat's so gay."
"It's not gay if you're warm." Matthew snuggled in closer. He felt Gil's hands land on his back and stroke him carefully.
"I'm starving."
"I'm cold. Suck my dick."
Gilbert laughed and rolled over so he was pinning Matthew to the bed. "Zhat can be arranged."
Matthew blushed and looked away. "Pancakes are on the counter."
Gilbert sat up and ran to the kitchen, piling a plate up, covering it in syrup, and sitting down to eat it on the bed.
"Birdie, zhese are awesome!" He complemented. Matthew smiled modestly.
Gilbert shovelled the food into his mouth but stopped halfway through. "Aren't jou gonna eat?"
Matthew blinked. "Yeah. Sorry I was distracted."
"Jou vere vatching me."
"I was NOT!"
"Kesesesese~ Jou vere vatching me eat because jou've got a crush on me."
"Get that thought out of your head this instant."
"Nein." Gilbert set his plate down and leaned forward, pecking Matthew's lips.
The blonde had to restrain himself in order to keep from kissing back.
He didn't know why. Was it his instinct to just kiss anybody back? Was he just lonely and seeking affections?
Or maybe...
He dared not think of that reason.
There was no way he was falling for Gilbert Beilshmidt.

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