By Now

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HetaliaFangirl666 won the prize! All the titles are songs by Canadian artists.
I will start listing them from now on!

By now-Marianas Trench

Matthew was quiet for the entire walk home. Gilbert noticed the small glances thrown his way, and how he lingered close to the albino as if he was nervous. But Gil knew Matthew wasn't nervous. Maybe just cold. It was pretty chilly out. Typical Ottawa.
"So...uh...I vas talking to mein bruder last night."
"Und he vas supposed to come over in a few veeks, but I vasn't sure if jou'd be okay vizh zhat..."
" long are you planning on staying with me?"
"Gil, how did you become homeless?" Matthew opened the door to the apartment building, waiting until Gil stepped in before he entered.
"Vell...zhat's sort of a long story..."
"Tell it to me and I'll tell you aboot Ivan."
"Isht a deal."
The two entered Matthew's apartment and sat down on the bed.

They met in the last year of high school at a party thrown by Gilbert himself. It was just a little get-together to celebrate his parents leaving town. Ludwig didn't approve and stayed at his friend Kiku's house.
He first saw her in the living room, grinding up on that Feliks kid everybody knew was gay. She wore tight jeans and an even tighter shirt. Gilbert was blown away instantly.
There wasn't much transition between them meeting and Gilbert pinning her to his bed. He remembered a lot from that night. It was his first time after all.
They'd dated for eight years before getting engaged. There had been tons of arguments and they'd pretty much taken a break through college, barely seeing each other at all. But after they were settled into their lives they moved in together and started to plan for their future.
It was Elizaveta who proposed to Gil. She had walked right into his office at the local high school where he worked as a guidance councillor and claimed that she wanted to take him right there on his desk.
Sure, he had been surprised, but he was young and always game for some kinky shit.
His hands dove into her pants, ready to work some magic. But when he felt something hard up there he stopped, pulling it out to find a ring.
"Did jou have zhat up zhere zhis whole time?"
"Yeah." She giggled bashfully as Gilbert hugged her and promised to be hers.
But that promise was broken almost a year later.
Her parents were very classy people and disapproved of Gilbert from the start. Out of desperation, they ended up inviting Liz and Gil to their annual Christmas dinner along with a man they chose as a suitable pairing for their daughter.
Roderich Edelstein.
Gilbert was butted out of every conversation that night. He gave up trying about halfway through, choosing to drink beer in the corner and mope while his fiancé chatted up some fancy shmancy concert pianist/ university grade music teacher. His voice was too posh and he had that stuck up little mole on his chin. He was an absolute snob.
And yet, Elizaveta was all over him.
They went on numerous dates together after that. She claimed they weren't dates and that Gilbert could attend if he wanted to, but the German knew he wouldn't feel welcome around them.
Just like at the dinner, he stayed at home and drank.
Way too much.
It was one month before he met Matthew that he really screwed up.
Liz and that Austrian dick nugget stayed out way later than they promised and Gilbert was enraged.
His boss called him about paperwork and he'd started yelling and swearing. He was fired on the spot. And then when Liz and Roderich came home, looking super happy and super coupley...he just snapped. He jumped at the Austrian, punching his glasses off, pulling at his cravat, and his fancy coat and clawing his stupid mole. He had been drunk and enraged, everything bothering him for the past few years being thrown out at once.
The next morning he was on the streets, what little Liz allowed him to have packed into a ratty backpack.
He had been sleeping with random people for places to sleep but also to try and fill the hole in his heart.
For an entire month of his life, all he could see was dead ends.
But then...
He met Matthew.

I can't believe I wrote four chapters today. Holy shit.

The songs from the previous chapters are as follows:

Snowed in- (actually forgot who this is by)

The weatherman-alert the medic

Can I go nowhere with you-Joel Plasket

Tall trees- Matt mays

Quit while you're ahead-classified

Bloody dotted line- the Stanfields

Run on the banks- the Stanfields

Ship to shore- the Stanfields


Don't kill the magic-magic!

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