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Stutter-Marianas Trench

Also this is the last chapter for the next few days because of march break. See you on Monday shickletts!

Matthew and Gilbert didn't leave Antonio's house until one in the morning. The blonde leaned on the silverette, having drunk five times as much as the albino could choke down. Gilbert wondered about Matthew's resilience. It was probably just because he was Canadian.
"Ja, birdie?"
"I don't wanna sleepy."
Gilbert smirked. "Vhat did jou vant to do, zhen?"
"I dunno. But I don't wanna sleep."
Gilbert lead Matthew to the bed and sat him down. "Do jou vant to vatch a movie?"
"I wanna watch the littlest hobo."
"Zhe vhat?"
"The littlest hobo. It's aboot a doggo who saves people. You know...maybe tomorrow, I'll wanna settle down. Until tomorrow, I'll just keep moving on. "
"Mattie, jou are such a nerd." Gilbert chuckled. "I'll try to find some episodes on YouTube." He grabbed Matthew's laptop and searched the show's title he found a few episodes and settled down at the blonde's side to watch.
The show was old and the theme song was kinda annoying, but Matthew still sang every word perfectly.
It was three in the morning when the blonde eventually nodded off. Gilbert pulled a blanket around him and was about to close the laptop when he heard the familiar chime of a skype call.
"Vhat zhe hell?" Gilbert accepted the call. He was met with the face of his younger brother.
"Uh, hey, zhis isn't a bad time, is it?"
"It's zhree AM."
"Gött, I'm sorry. I messed up zhe time zones."
"Isht okay. Jou caught me just in time."
Ludwig's eyes flickered to the edge of the screen where Matthew lay. "Is zhat him?"
"Ja. Isn't he adorable?"
"I can't tell. Only zhe top of his head is showing."
"Vell, just so jou know, he's zhe cutest lil shit I've ever seen."
"So, any news on vhezher I'm visiting or not?"
"Jou are. I'll email jou zhe address und stuff." Gilbert brushed the hair out of his eyes and yawned. "Vell, I should get some sleep. Gute naght bruder."
"Gute naght."
Gilbert shut down the laptop and curled into the warmth of Matthew's body. He felt really comfortable. He wasn't sure if this was a problem or if he wanted this.
But he decided to simply relax into it for the night.
He'd figure this out in the morning...

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