Cocaine Cowgirl

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Cocaine Cowgirl-Matt Mays
I miss my wiiiiiiiiiffffiiiiieeeee ;-;

Two hours.
Two FUCKING hours.
Matthew had been waiting outside the school for one hundred and twenty minutes. It was freezing and his phone was dead, but Gilbert was still in the building talking with his boss. Fucking prick.
Matthew breathed into his gloves yet again, but it didn't work the way he wanted it to.
He groaned. If he didn't look so damn young the people across the street would call the cops.
"Hello? Nine one one? There's a strange man lurking outside the school!"
Matthew stood and paced back and forth. If Gil didn't come out soon, they'd be late to hang out with Antonio.
The door finally swung open and Gilbert stepped out looking guilty. Matthew rushed toward him and into his arms.
"Mattie, jou didn't have to vorry..."
"I'm fucking freezing you idiot." Matthew whined. Gilbert chuckled and unzipped his coat so the Canadian could slip inside.
"Let's get to zhe bar." He started to walk, hand settled on Matthew's hip.
"Gött. Ve must look so ridiculous."
"People do this all the time."
"I meant because Jou're tall as fuck. Jour legs go on forever."
"No problem."
They reached the bar and Matthew departed from the warmth of Gil's clothing to the warmth of the building. He held the door for Gilbert who thanked him and went in deeper to find Antonio.
They found him almost instantly, standing on a table and singing some random song in Spanish.
"You seriously thought he'd be responsible enough to-"
"HEY GUYS!" Toni waved to them, jumping off the table and taking a running jump to hug Matthew. The blonde was startled and only stiffened. (Take that whatever way you want)
"What's chour poison?" The Spaniard asked when he pulled away.
"Beer." Matthew and Gilbert said in sync. The two looked at each other, blushing lightly while Antonio laughed his churro off.
He signalled to the bartender to bring them drinks before sitting down at the table he was standing on.
"Jou sure get avay vizh lots here." Gilbert pointed out.
Antonio nodded. "The bartender here is really lenient." He gestured to the man at the bar, white haired and emotionless. His eyes were a soulless green-blue and his hair covered one of them.
"He looks familiar, vhat's his name?"
"Decim I think?"
"Not ringing any bells..." Gilbert shrugged, letting the topic fade.
Their beers arrived and Matthew sucked down his in seconds. Gilbert looked at him, amazed. "I zhink I'm in love!"
Matthew set his glass down and gave Gilbert a surprised look.
"I vas exaggerating...."
Matthew rolled his eyes and returned to his corner of darkness. Aw man, was he mad? He better not be mad.
" how about we get wasted and play truth or dare at my place?" Antonio suggested.
"I'm in!" Gilbert cheered. He looked toward Matthew for his opinion.
"I guess I'm in too." The Canadian shrugged.
"Bueno! Let's go!"

Do do do do do Dora!

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