Quit While You're Ahead

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When Gilbert woke up in the middle of the night, the lights were on and his arms were empty.
Oh good. He could leave soon.
But did he want to?
He moved his gaze to the end of the bed where Matthew was easing himself into clothes. Where was he going this late at night?
He decided to keep his head down and stay quiet to gain a chance at seeing where he was going.
The blonde finished dressing and walked to the mirror in the corner. He pressed his hand to its surface. Even from where he lay, Gilbert could see the tears in his eyes.
He was about to speak up when Matthew turned on his heel and zipped out the door.
Gilbert rolled out of the bed and tried to stand up, but he felt a sharp pain in his backside.
Shit. Shit. Shit.
He clenched his teeth and managed to get off the floor. The process was slow, but he made his way into the hallway, catching the image of Matthew's blonde hair turning the corner up the stairs.
Gilbert made his way along, bit by bit until he reached the next level; the roof.
What could he be doing on the-
"Matthew!" Gilbert sprinted across the roof to where the Canadian was standing on the ledge. All his pain was ignored. He had more important things to do.
Matthew turned around, blonde hair blowing into his tear dampened eyes. He reached a foot backward, leaning away from the building. Gilbert grabbed the shoulder of his shirt, catching and pulling it toward him almost a second too late. But he succeeded...almost.
Matthew shouted out as the momentum pulled him toward the concrete surface of the rooftop, hitting his head against it.
"Schieße!" Gilbert shouted, kneeling to get a good look at Matthew's head.
It was bleeding heavily but the male was still breathing.
Heart beating a rumba in his chest, Gilbert cradled the other in his arms. He felt tears in his eyes. Why? Why did Matthew feel the need to do something like that? Why did Gilbert hurt so much over this?
A cold gust of wind blew past them, reminding him that it was still early March. He lifted Matthew into his arms and carried him back to his room, lying him down in the bed and pulling blankets over him. He then curled up at the blonde's side and waited for him to wake up.

School has me like:
*constant stress*

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