No Pressure

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Forgot to mention the trigger warnings for suicide. I'm so sorry. Hopefully you aren't triggered. If you are you might want to put this fic down. I'll forgive you.

The first thing Matthew noticed when he came-to was that his stomach ached. The second thing was that he could feel at all. Was this what the afterlife was?
He opened his eyes.
"No no no no nonononono!" He cried out.
This was his home. Gilbert slept his side.
This wasn't the afterlife.
He was alive.
He burst into tears.
"Matthew?" From his side, Gilbert sat up. He folded Matthew into his arms but the blonde pushed him away.
"You ASSHOLE! You should have stayed in bed! You should have let me jump." Matthew pounded his fists against Gilbert's chest. The German let him at it only calmly grabbing his wrists when he stopped screaming.
"Matthew, vhat made jou zhink jou had to do zhat?"
The Canadian could see tears in his (friend?)'s eyes. Why was he crying over this?
"IT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!" Matthew shouted.
"I zhink it is."
"DON'T YOU HAVE A HOME TO GET BACK TO OR SOMETHING?" Matthew's breathing was heavy. He had never been this pissed before. Gilbert had ruined all his plans.
"I don't. Und even if I did, I vouldn't vant to leave jou in zhis condition."
Matthew couldn't hold his pain in any longer. He shoved his face into his palms and let the tears flow. "I just don't want to be alive anymore."
Gilbert tried to hug him but he once again moved out of reach. He slipped out of bed, intending to walk to the kitchen, but Gilbert grabbed his shirt and pulled him down, pinning him against the bed.
"Matthew, I don't vant jou near zhe kitchen right now. Not vizh all zhose sharp objects und-"
Matthew continued to struggle despite Gilbert's words. He let out an anguished scream, bringing his knee up to hit the German in the groin.
"Agh!" Gil choked. But he kept his hold firm.
"Shhhh." Gilbert cooed. He gripped Matthew tightly while he screamed and cried. "Zhere are people out zhere who love jou, Mattie."
"No there aren't!" The blonde insisted.
"Vhat about jour family?"
"I'm already dead to them!"
"Okay, zhen," Gilbert's voice was calm, but the demeanour didn't last long. "VHAT ABOUT ME?!"
Matthew stopped kicking and thrashing, looking up at the albino.
"I'd be sad if jou died."
The Canadian didn't know how to respond. He sucked in the biggest breath he could and held it in his lungs.
"Mattie, vhat are jou doing?"
Matthew didn't respond. He was too busy focusing on holding his breath.
"If Jou're zhinking about killing jourself zhat vay it von't vork. Jou'll just pass out und jour body vill automatically breath again."
He thought Matthew didn't know. He thought Matthew hadn't been to medical school.
But passing out was exactly what he wanted. He wanted to escape the world for just a little bit longer, to think things through and calm down.
The corners of his vision went black, slowly shrinking inward.
The last thing he saw before darkness took over was Gil's Crimson eyes, filled with worry and tears.

A lesson in determination: a short collaboration brought to you by Shickzander and kittykatz67

A lesson in determination: a short collaboration brought to you by Shickzander and kittykatz67

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If one has inner strength and the will to never give up....

If one has inner strength and the will to never give up

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It is guaranteed that their dreams will come true.

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