Call Me Maybe

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Call me maybe-Carly Rae Jepson

Omfg. So, in the neighbouring town to ours they have this thing called writing on fire which I have attended almost every year since it started. And one of the head ladies for the event came into our class to explain it. She brought a video from the writers cafe at the end of the first year they did it. And right in the middle of it I got up to got to the back of the room where they were filming. I don't know what I was doing but everybody in my class turned and looked at me and it was the most awkward thing that ever happened to me ever. Omfg.

The four men didn't get home until two in the morning.
Not very late for them.
But Gilbert and Alfred were worried about Matthew. Hell, they all were.
"Man, zhat vas zhe most fun I've had in a long time."
"Me too." Francis agreed as he pushed open the front door to his house.
"Do you think Mattie'll still be up." Alfred wondered.
"Probably not." Gilbert replied.
"I'm gonna check on him." Alfred ran up the stairs.
Gilbert, Francis and Antonio entered the living room where Arthur, his brother Alister, and his friends Kiku and Lukas sat in a circle on the floor.
Francis dropped down beside his fiancé and leaned on his shoulder. Kiku quickly scribbled something on his hand in Japanese that Gilbert couldn't read.
"So, Matthew stayed in 'is room?"
"Yeah. We didn't hear a word from him." Arthur nodded. "Which is a shame. I was really looking forward to meeting him."
Francis kissed Arthur on the cheek. "Zhere's always tomorrow."
"Guys!" Alfred stormed into the room, panic on his face.
"Vhat happened?" Gilbert could feel his gut turning. Was Matthew okay?
"He's not in his room."
"Are you sure?" Arthur wondered.
"Of course I'm freaking sure. I checked the bathroom too. He's awol!"
"Okay, calm down. If he left the house our security would have picked him up."
"I'll ask zhe butler when he saw 'im last." Francis stood and glided out of the room with his usual grace.
"Antonio, help me find him." Gilbert begged, taking the Spaniard by the arm and dragging him up the stairs.
"MATTIE!" He called. His heart was beating so fast he was worried it would break through his chest.
"Shhh!" A tiny head poked out of one of the doorways down the hall from Matthew's room. "He's sleeping."
"Who's sleeping little amigo?"
"Uncle Mattie."
"Oh zhank gött." Gilbert sighed in relief. Alfred came running down the corridor, panting heavily.
"Peter? What are you still doing awake?"
"You were shouting."
"Fair enough."
Gilbert pushed past Peter and walked into the child's bedroom.
It was pretty freaking rad in that room but Gilbert ignored all the decorations. He saw Matthew lying in the race car bed, a thick blanket covering half of his body and made a beeline toward him.
"He looks so peaceful." Alfred said as he sat down on Matthew's other side.
"Zhis is zhe most natural smile I've seen him make." Gilbert admitted.
"What do you think he's dreaming about?"
"Honestly? Probably polar bears."
"Haha. Yeah. That's totally something Mattie would dream about."
"Let's get him in his own bed." Antonio suggested. Gilbert nodded and picked the blonde up as carefully as he could.
"Uncle Toni? Can you read me a story?"
"Sure little amigo." Toni lifted Peter into his arms and carried him to bed.
"Good night, Toni." Gil nodded.
"Buenes noches!"
Alfred lead Gilbert to Matthew's room where he set the blonde down in his bed.
The German pulled the heavy sheets over his body, making sure they were snug.
"Alfred, can I ask a favour?"
"Yeah, dude."
"Can jou stay vizh him tonight?
"Gute. I don't vant him sleeping alone like zhis, but he'd get mad if I tried to stay."
"Gilbert, can I ask you something?"
"Are you in love with him?"
"It's looked so startled when I came into the living room a few minutes ago. I seriously thought you were gonna cry."
Gilbert turned his head to Matthew, sleeping so soundly that the albino wondered if he was the same man he had seen breaking down when his hair was brushed the wrong way.
"It's hard to say..." He whispered. "But I zhink I'm falling for him."

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