This Afternoon

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This Afternoon- Nickleback
Happy Easter everybody!
Which also means no updates until Tuesday.
I know.
I don't even celebrate Easter.
Why do I have to suffer like this?

"Go away."
"I will in a few moments. Just let me talk for un second."
Matthew sat up in his bed, decorated with the same hockey themed sheets that he had used when he was a teenager.
Even though Francis had moved into a new place, he still kept all of Matthew's old junk that he left behind. His bed was still the same creaky piece of shit he slept on before he knew the luxury of Ivan's bed, covered in all the stupid stuffed animals he had long ago grown out of. All his old hockey posters had found a place on the walls along with an outdated calendar and stubs to some of the concerts he had been to over the years. He still remembered every single one from the Celine Dion one Francis had taken him to when he was extremely small to the Nickleback one he went to with Alfred. Even the one for the Justin Bieber concert he had been forced to go to back when Alfred had his "phase" was up there. Mostly as a reminder to never listen to Alfred again.
He had been lying back for half an hour, wondering about the room.
Obviously Francis had set this whole thing up in case Matthew ever came home. But didn't he realize that eight years could change a person? Wouldn't it have been better to leave a blank slate?
Or maybe not.
Francis probably missed Matthew. Alfred too. They probably came into this room to reminisce over their Canadian kin.
"Gilbert told us about zhe suicide attempt..."
Matthew scrunched up his face and fell back down into the mattress. He didn't say anything.
"I called you once every monzh for eight years." Francis sat down beside his cousin. "Zhat's twelve phone calls since Ivan passed. And you didn't once zhink to answer and tell me you needed 'elp."
"I didn't need help."
"You tried to jump off zhe roof of your building. I would call zhat 'okay'."
Matthew pulled his legs up to his chest.
"Matthieu, I know I was wrong to keep you from Ivan. I didn't realize 'ow in love you two were until you ran away. I forgave you years ago."
Again, Matthew didn't say a word.
"Anyway, me and my friends are going out drinking. I don't suppose you want to come wizh us, do you?"
Matthew shook his head.
"I told zhe butler to keep an eye on you. Arzhur and 'is friends will be downstairs 'aving a quiet night in. 'E said you can join zhem if you want, but if you would rather stay up 'ere you're free to." Francis leaned down and kissed his cousin's temple. "I want to see you all smiles tomorrow! I'm getting married for christ's sake!"
Matthew nodded, deciding to sit up and hug Francis tightly. He buried his face in his neck, savouring the familiarity of the embrace.
"I forgive you, Francis."
"You shouldn't." Francis gave his head a final pat before pulling away and standing up. "Call if you need anyzhing."
"I will." Matthew nodded softly.
"'Ave a good night." And with that, Francis left the room.
Matthew was alone.
Like usual.

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