Darkest of Discos

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Darkest of Discos-Slowcoaster

Okay...I am not totally sure if this is Canadian or not.
But for what it's worth...it SOUNDS Canadian.
You know what I mean?
Well, if you don't, the music from the east coast of Canada has this folky rock feel to it that's really great.
Hey look a story!

"Matthew? It's six in the morning..." The Ukrainian rubbed her eyes sleepily. "What are you doing here."
"I just...I need to...I..." Matthew couldn't hold in the tears any longer. He collapsed into Katyusha's arms, sobbing through the shoulder of her shirt.
"Mattie...what happened? Come inside."
Matthew obeyed, leaning against his sister-in-law for support.
She sat him down on the couch, taking both his hands in hers.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
"I don't."
"Why not?"
"Look...I just need a quiet place to think for a while. Is that okay?"
"Of course it's okay. You know where your room is. We'll come if you need anything."
"Thanks Kat. This means a lot."
She nodded.
Matthew made his way to Ivan's childhood bedroom. He found Kumajirou sitting on the bed. The bear tilted his head, jumping up and running to his owner once he realized who he was.
"Hey, little guy." Matthew smiled and cuddled his pet as closely as he could, revelling in the soft feel of his white fur and scratching him behind the ears just as he had always loved.
He finally picked the creature up and flopped onto the bed. Kuma nuzzled and licked his face.
"Quite the sook today, aren't ya." Matthew smiled, burying his face back into his fur.
He cried a little, if only silently.
Letting the tears flow just felt so good.
After about an hour, Matthew removed his phone from his pocket and dialled the digits to his cousin's cell phone.
He didn't want to ruin the frenchman's honeymoon, but this couldn't wait.
"What's wrong?"
"I need to ask some advice."
Francis paused, muttering a soft "un second, mon Cher." before turning back to the phone. "Oui. Ask away."
"Um...Gilbert told me that he loves me..."
"Zhat's great! Zhat's adorable!"
"But that's the problem, Francis."
"Because..." Matthew took a deep breath. "Look...we only get one true love..."
"And if I got serious with Gilbert, it would be like saying Ivan wasn't the one...but I like Gil and want to be more than friends...ya know?"
Francis made a noise, a soft laughing sigh. He was smiling. "Matthieu,"
"Ivan was your true love."
"So...say screw it to Gil?"
"Non. Zhat's not what I'm telling you."
"Matthieu, listen to me."
"I am."
"Ivan was your true love. But you're a different Matthieu now. And zhe true love for zhis Matthieu might very well be a mister Gilbert Bielshmidt..."
Matthew thought his cousin's words out for a few strained seconds.
"Thanks, Francis. That really helps."
"Pas de problemme."
"So...I'm sorry for bothering you during your honeymoon...I know you're probably...ahem...busy..."
"Non. We're just relaxing in zhe sun. You called at a perfect time."
"Good. Don't get a sun burn...that might make it hard to...get rough."
"Will do, Matthieu. I'll visit when I get 'ome. Okay?"
"Okay. I'm gonna take a nap..."
"Alright. Bon nuit."
"Bon nuit." 
When he awoke, Matthew decided, he would make everything right.

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