Run On The Banks

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Somebody write me a RusCan called "The Beaver and the Bear" or a FrUK called "the prince and the frog."
I'm sorry this chapter keeps not posting guys. Wtf

"He's vhy Jou're hurting, isn't he?"
That was the first sentence Matthew heard upon waking up.
"Where did you get that name?!" Matthew could feel the heat of anger in his stomach.
"Jou called it out, remember?"
"I-uh..." Now Matthew felt dumb. He swallowed and looked down at his hands guiltily.
"Isht okay." Gilbert tucked Matthew into his arms. God, he was warm. "Can jou tell me vhat happened?"
"No. I can't."
He was stroking the Canadian's back now. This felt so welcoming. He wanted to tell Gilbert everything. But he stayed firm.
"Did jou break up? Did he cheat on jou?"
Matthew shook his head.
"So Jou're saying Jou're still togezher? Did I sleep vizh a taken man?!"
Matthew held up his hands. "No...uh..." He was cut off when he stomach made a strained growl. He blushed and turned his head away.
"Vhen vas zhe last time jou ate?"
"Matthew, jou need to eat."
Matthew let out a sigh, but didn't complain when Gilbert headed to the kitchen to look through his cupboards.
He watched Gilbert heat up a pan and fry eggs and bacon. He finished and set the two plates on the bed.
Matthew dug in instantly, even if it was just to calm Gil's nerves. The German smiled and watched him closely.
"Uh...listen..." Matthew started when his plate was cleaned. "I' to go."
"There's somebody I need to see."
Gilbert put his plate off to the side and looked into Matthew's eyes.
"This might sound kinda weird...but I have a pet polar bear. I couldn't keep him in the apartment though, so he's staying with some people..."
"A polar bear? Matthew, Jou're not just planning somezhing, are jou?"
"No! I swear! I-"
"I'm escorting jou zhere. Just to make sure."
Matthew nodded softly. "Fine. But you're not coming in...and I plan to stay the night..."
"Very vell. I'll pick jou up at ten. Und jou need to take a shower first." He stood and held out his hand for the blonde. He took it and stood, following Gilbert into the bathroom.
After a grabbing all the razors and sharp objects he could find, the albino sat down on the covered toilet seat and looked up at Matthew.
"Vhat? Isht not like ve haven't seen each ozher naked before..."
"Yeah...but...that was different..." Matthew's face became peppered with red.
Gilbert sighed and stood taking Matthew by the hands and kissing him with steady lips.
"Ve can make it like last time..."
Matthew turned his head away, swallowing hard. "No. Please don't."
He was surprised when Gilbert let go without further complaint. Not even an objection.
"I'll look avay. Vill zhat do?"
"I don't vant jou getting hurt."
Matthew looked down at his feet. "Can I change behind the curtain?"
"Ja. Sure." Gilbert nodded. He went back to his place on the toilet and waited for Matthew to step into the tub and pull the curtain. He quickly undressed and threw his clothes over the curtain rod.
The water was warm and helped to wash away everything he was feeling. He felt like a different person under the beat of the liquid pattering his skin.
He quickly washed his hair and body, spending the rest of his time enjoying his solitude and watching his fingers turn wrinkled.
When he turned the shower off, Gilbert tossed a towel over the curtain and into Matthew's arms.
"Thanks." He muttered, quickly drying off and tying the cloth around his waist.
He stepped out and Gilbert lead him back into the main part of the apartment where he picked out some clothes and handed them to him.
He then politely turned his back and waited for Matthew to change into the red hoodie and jeans he had assigned.
"Alvright, let's go see zhese friends of jours."

8 chapters in and nobody asks why the titles of the chapters really have nothing to do with the chapters themselves.
If somebody guesses the answer correctly they get a shoutout.

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