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Unusual-Classified Ft. Joe Biden
Right...so...I was suggested to do a BTT threesome...
It sounds way better than the spamano.
So how about I do something in between.

Gilbert didn't think he had ever been to a wedding before.
He had just never really known any couples before.
But even though he was a marriage noob, he could still tell that Francis and Arthur had planned a beautiful wedding.
Or maybe just Francis. He seemed like the bridezilla type.
After the ceremony was over they were all driven back to Francis's mansion for the reception. Gilbert kept a close eye on Matthew from then on. It would be easy for him to sneak away in a crowd this size.
But he didn't leave. He stuck close to Alfred and chatted occasionally with the people Alfred chatted with as he drank beer after beer from the refreshment table.
To an outsider, Matthew didn't look tipsy at all. But Gilbert could see the unsteady steps and the wavering focus as well as if the Canadian had been wasted.
Maybe now he could approach him...


"Man, Artie's friend is lookin' kinda cute right now." Alfred chuckled lightly.
"Who? The Japanese guy?" Matthew asked.
"Yeah, dude. Look at 'em."
"Go ask him to dance."
"I dunno...what if he's not gay?"
"Alfred, look at yourself, honestly. You've got adorable baby blue eyes and the charm of a four year old child. You don't have to worry aboot anybody being gay."
"You're right, bro! Umma go ask him to dance!" He paused, face going serious. "But I don't wanna leave you alone."
"I'll be fine."
"No you won't. You'll go off to your room and hide."
"I'll stay here. I promise."
"Matthew, Gil's coming this way..."
Matthew scanned the room, seeing the unmistakeable head of white hair immediately. "Shit. Hide me."
"Mattie, give him a chance. He really cares about ya."
Matthew sighed. "Fine. But you have to go ask Arthur's friend out. Deal?"
"Yeah." Alfred walked off to where the black haired Asian stood, notebook in hand, writing down what everybody thought was something innocent but was really ideas for hardcore porn dojins.
"Birdie..." A wild Gilbert appeared at Matthew's side. "Can ve talk?"
Matthew took a long swig of his beer to avoid answering the question. He looked at Gilbert with sharp eyes. "No."
"Mattie, please,"
"I said no."
"If jou don't talk to me, I'll tell Francis every fucking detail of zhe sex ve have. I svear to gött." His voice took on a tone of anger. Matthew felt chills run up his spine.
"Come und dance vizh me."
"Okay. Fine." Matthew stepped forward and put his hands on Gil's waist. He didn't object to the German reaching to place his hands on his shoulders.
"Vhy are jou mad at me?"
"I'm not mad at you...I-"
"Jou are mad at me. Nobody says somezhing zhat awful to a person vizhout reason." Gilbert's grip on Matthew's shoulders tightened. He had tears in his eyes.
"You shouldn't have told Francis also that stuff. That was my business."
"I vas trying to protect jou."
"Telling Francis aboot my sex life isn't protecting me."
"Oh...jou're mad about zhat..." Gilbert trailed off, eyes drifting away to the floor. "Look, I haven't seen Francis in monzhs...I just got caught up in zhe excitement...it's mein fault. I take full blame."
Matthew didn't say anything. He pulled Gilbert close so that their bodies were touching Gilbert grinned and buried his face in Matthew's chest.
"Jou're so varm."
"Matthieu!" Francis tapped on the Canadian's shoulders and he pushed away from as if he were embarrassed.
He smiled at his cousin, pretending he wasn't just having a moment with the albino now behind him.
"Matthieu, zhis is Arzhur. He's been wanting to meet you for a while." Francis gestured to the man at his side, blonde with green eyes and thick eyebrows.
He really looked like his son.
"Hey. I'm glad you're making my cousin happy."
Arthur nodded. "And I'm glad you could make it to the wedding. Francis wouldn't shut up about you."
Matthew bowed his head thankfully.
"Please take care of him. He's kind of an idiot."
"You say that as if I don't know." Arthur smirked at his new husband.
Francis pouted and punched Arthur lightly in the arm.
"Well...we've got to catch our plane for our 'oneymoon. Make sure nobody messes up zhe 'ouse too bad."
"Rodger that." Matthew saluted.
"Now you boys get back to dancing. It was really cute."
Matthew blushed as Gil took advantage of the command, finding his place in Matthew's arms once more.
The Canadian reluctantly put his hands back at Gil's hips and started to sway lightly. Francis snickered and pulled them down to Gil's ass, running off with Arthur scolding in his wake.
Matthew quickly moved his hands upward, blushing madly.
"Gött, jour cute."
"Please don't..."
"Jou're so cute I could kiss jou."
Gil smiled softly, pulling Matthew down and pressing their lips together. Matthew could feel his face heat up. He heard cheers from the crowd and quickly pushed away.
"Is something vrong?"
"No...I...it's just..." Matthew let go of Gil and pushed past him, escaping into the hallway and running up the stairs.

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