Tall Trees

246 12 19

"You've never been with a guy before last night, have you?" Matthew finally spoke at the end of the day. God, he was a rude host.
"Nein. How did jou know?"
"Cuz you fucking suck at it."
"Okay, zhat vas really mean."
"The truth hurts, bud."
"Vhat did I do wrong?"
"First of all-"
"Isht more zhan one zhing?!"
Matthew chuckled. "If it was one thing I wouldn't have brought it up."
Gilbert brought himself up on his elbow. "Can jou show me?"
"Can jou show me how to make love to jou."
Matthew sat up, a bored look on his face. Gilbert could already feel the rejection.
But Matthew didn't turn him away. He planted a soft kiss on Gilbert's lips. A welcoming warmth spread through his body. He grabbed Matthew by his t-shirt and pulled him closer.
"Mnm..." Matthew pulled away. "Not so forceful." He scolded.
"The bottom should be more submissive."
"Vait? Bottom?!"
"Yeah. You're not good on top."
"Vell, at least I topped last night."
Matthew straddled Gilbert, leaning down to kiss his neck. The German bit his lip to keep from crying out.
His teeth grazed flesh and Gilbert had to let out a moan.
Matthew grinned and snuck his hands under Gilbert's shirt. He pinched his nipples, earning another soft moan.
Hands picked eagerly at the button  on his jeans. Gilbert tugged his shirt off his body and threw it onto the floor, letting Matthew kiss and suck at his abdomen.
"Ah.~" Gilbert grabbed onto the back of Matthew's shirt and forcefully ripped it off. The Canadian raised an eyebrow. He must have liked that shirt. Bad move.
"You better be." Matthew dragged Gilbert's pants off and immediately moved his hand up the bottom of his boxers, fondling his sack.
"Voah..." Gilbert's past lovers and former long time girlfriend had never done anything like that before.
Matthew smirked and pinched them softly.
"A-ah! Senpai!"
"What the fuck?"
"Sorry. Zhe last girl I slept vizh vas really into Roleplay."
"You must have been with her a while to develop habits."
"Vell...she gave me shelter..." Gilbert shrugged, immediately going into arousal mode when Matthew pinched his balls again.
The blonde bit at the waistband of his boxers, looking him in the eye as he pulled them off with his teeth.
His fingers danced along the shaft of his penis, fondling the tip gently. Gilbert moaned softly. He helped Mattie out of his pants and boxers, dropping them to the floor. He bit his lip at the sight of the blonde's member. Never had he felt this attracted to a penis.
It looked like it was smiling at him.
Matthew rose to kiss Gilbert again, his lips skilled and hungry. Gil knew from his moves that he had don't this so many times.
His hand blindly reached into the top drawer of his night stand, pulling out a bottle of lubricant. He squirted some on his hand and massaged it onto his rock hard dick.
"Ready?" He blinked his large violet eyes.
"Vill it hurt?"
"Not if you relax."
"Jou must take a lot of dick."
"Don't slut shame. It's disrespectful."
Gilbert shrugged. "Okay. Hit me."
Matthew nodded and buried his face in Gilbert's neck, sliding easily into his ass.
He had lied. This did hurt. But not as much as he expected. He let Matthew thrust into him with gentle strokes.
He closed his eyes, embracing the feeling of both Matthew sucking his neck and the member being cast into his anus.
A warmth built in his face like nothing he had ever experienced. This was the best sex he had ever had.
And it was with a dude.
"Ugh-ah-I'm gonna-oh mein gött!" He choked out, letting his seed escape his member and rain over the bed. But Matthew wasn't quite finished.
"Ah~ Ivan!" He cried out before releasing into Gil's ass.
Matthew pulled out and sat up, his hand flying to his face. "I...uh..." The part of his cheeks that Gilbert could see was bright red. He quickly hopped off Gilbert and curled up with his back to him.
"Aw. No cuddles?" Gilbert rolled over as carefully as he could with his sore ass and spooned the blonde.
"Go to sleep."
"Jou're not very nice."
"Shut up."
What had come over him? Just a few minutes ago he had been so gentle and caring.
And who was Ivan? Why did Matthew call out his name?
Was he the one who hurt him???

I burst into tears halfway through this. It had nothing to do with the fanfic, it was just all this stress thrown on my in one day.
I did start Kokoro Connect today. It has Finland's voice actor in it. And also this guy that looks like Italy who's voiced by the same guy who voices Karou in OHSHC which is funny because Hikaru is voiced by Todd Haberkorn who voices Italy.
I just find that really hilarious for no reason. ^_^
Au revoir scalopes!

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