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Gilbert was on Matthew's laptop, planning to skype his brother in Germany, when his (roommate?) called.
"Is somezhing wrong? Do jou need to talk?"
"No. I was just going to bed..."
Gilbert glanced at the clock. It was half past nine.
"Oh Ja. Did jou have a good day?"
"It was great, actually."
"Did jou eat?"
"Way too much."
"Und Jou're comfortable?"
Gilbert sighed in relief. "Zhank gött. I vas a bit vorried."
"Sleep vell. Call if jou need anyzhing."
"I will."
"I'll pick jou up at ten. Just like ve promised."
"I know."
"Gute naught."
"Bon nuit."
Gilbert heard the little click from the other end that signalled Matthew hanging up. Gilbert put his phone down and turned back to the computer. He sent the Skype request, having it accepted almost right away.
"Ciao!" Feliciano, Ludwig's adorable Italian roommate popped up on the screen, shirtless. Gilbert knew from his younger sibling that the brunette was kinda weird, but answering somebody else's Skype call without a shirt...
"Hallo, Feli. Vhere's mein bruder?"
"Shhh...he's sleeping."
"Uh...can't jou vake him up?"
"No! He's gonna be grumpy."
"Feli...vhy are jou acting weird?"
"I'm not acting weird...you're the one acting weird...uh..."
"Please vake Luddy up."
"Okay...if you insist..." Feliciano stood. His legs were bare too. The only thing that prevented Gilbert from throwing the computer across the room was the little red boxers he wore to cover his...tomatoes.
He rushed off the screen, returning with a sleepy and equally undressed Ludwig a few moments later.
"Mein gött, bruder. Vhat kinda gay shit are jou getting up to over zhere?" Gilbert tutted.
"I vas going to tell jou vhen I visited over spring break." Ludwig averted his eyes.
"Damn, bruder."
"Are jou mad?"
"Nein! Jou go fuck zhat Italian ass."
"Holy schieße! Jou bottomed?!"
"Kinda, Ja."
"Damn! Vell...turns out I bottom too."
"I zhought jou vere Mister Straighty McStraightStraight..."
"Actually...turns out I'm hella bi." Gilbert pursed his lips.
"Vhat happened to jou und Liz? Veren't jou engaged?"
"She broke it off. Her parents introduced him to zhis Roderich douche. I got jealous. Zhere vas a lot of fighting und zhen ve vere over."
"I'm sorry, bruder. I know jou vere really in love vizh her."
"Ja. Isht okay."
"Vhere are jou living now?"
"I'm technically homeless, but I'm staying vizh zhis cute blonde guy."
"Is he zhe one who topped jou?"
Gilbert chucked. "Ja. He said I sucked on top und had to teach me a lesson."
"So, am I still visiting next month or vill zhis cute blonde mind?"
"I don't know...he's kinda..."
"Kinda vhat?"
"Gil, vhat did jou get jourself into."
"Isht not like I vas hunting down somebody wizh emotional problems. He vas just a one night stand at first. I didn't even know his name."
"Bruder, vere jou doing zhat zhing ve saw on Dr. Phil?"
"Ja. It looked like a good idea."
"Jou're an idiot."
"I know." Gilbert sighed. "Look, I'll vork somezhing out. Don't vorry about me."
"I'll try to keep contact vizh jou more."
"Danke, bruder." Gilbert yawned. "I'm going to bed now."
"Gute naught"
"Gute naught." Gilbert ended the call and closed the laptop. He lay down on his side and closed his eyes, ready for what he hoped would be a deep and calming sleep.


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