No Evil

154 9 13

No evil-magic!

Gilbert called Matthew's phone over and over in a constant barrage once he noticed the Canadian missing from his bed. His heart was, like always these days, struggling to break free from his chest and he found himself unable to breathe.
Where was Matthew? Was he on his own? What kind of stupid stuff was he getting up to?
Antonio was wandering the neighbourhood calling the blonde's name while Alfred was calling the police.
"They said we can't report him missing unless he's been gone for three days." Alfred recounted, running his hand through his hair. His eyes watered and he clenched his jaw.
"Uncle Alfred? Uncle Gil?" Peter came down the stairs, rubbing his eyes tiredly. "Why're you guys being so loud?"
"We're sorry for waking ya, Peter. Go back to sleep."
"But it's morning."
"You were up late."
"Can I play with uncle Mattie later?"
"Uh...yeah...if he's not busy."
"Sweet." Peter beamed. He ran back up the stairs, dog slippers flopping lazily with his steps.
"Gilbert, find him. Please."
"On it." Gilbert ran out the door, calling Matthew's number once again.
Still no reply.
He climbed in a taxi.
Three calls later and Gilbert was walking down the street towards their apartment. He dialled once more.
Somebody finally picked up.
"Joes crematorium. You kill 'Em, we grill 'Em." A woman's voice answered. It was small and raspy.
"Don't be so morbid." Another voice butted in from somewhere further away from the speaker.
"Who is zhis?" Gil inquired. Was he abducted?
"Better question. Who are you."
"Damn it, Natalia. Give me the phone." The other woman's voice increased in volume. "I'm sorry about her. We're Matthew's sister-in-laws. You must be Gilbert."
"Ja. Is he okay? Vhere is he?"
"He's fine. He's just sleeping."
"Did he say anyzhing about vhy he's zhere?"
"He said he needed to think some things over."
Gilbert sighed. "Danke. Please take care of him."
"You don't have to worry about that, sweetie."
"See you."
Gilbert hung up and sent a quick text to Alfred saying that Matthew was fine.
He had only just locked the device when it rang out again.
Was it Mattie?!
"Vest? Shit jou vere supposed to come today, veren't jou?" Gilbert smacked his forehead. Of course.
"Ja. I'm at zhe address right now. But zhe door is locked."
"I'll be zhere in five minutes. Zhink jou can vait zhat long?"
"Ja. I've vaited longer for less."
"Are jou talking about zhe great sausage occurrence of '09?"
"Zhose vere some terrible sausages."
"So bad."
"Alright. See jou in a few."
Gilbert hung up.
He walked to the apartment, finding his brother leaning against the door.
"Hallo!" The albino said as cheerfully as he could.
"Guten tag."
The two brothers hugged, Gilbert unable to notice how muscular his little Luddy had gotten.
"Isht been so long. How's school?" Gilbert used his key to unlock the apartment. The two stepped inside.
"Not bad. Same as usual."
Gilbert nodded and sat down on the couch as Ludwig inspected the apartment.
"Isht nice? Huh?"
"'s zhat roommate jou vere so eager for me to meet?"
Gilbert had thought his brother would be a fine distraction from what was happening with Matthew. But apparently not.
"He...needed some time to himself."
"Vhat did jou do?"
"Bruder, I fucked up bad." Tears ran down the older brother's face. "I fell for him. It all happened to fast for me to catch meinself."
"Is zhat vhy he's gone?"
"Ja. I told him I loved him und he got scared."
Ludwig sat down beside him, rubbing his back soothingly as he wept.
"Everyzhing vill be okay." He assured.
But Gilbert doubted that very much.

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