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Snowbird-Anne Murray

Ladies and Gents (although, according to my demographics it's ladies and Privates) my next fic shall be a Spamano. Yes, a spamano. I decided this at 1am which means it's a good decision. It's gonna be spamano. And it's gonna have cats. I love cats.
But worry not! This fic is far from over. Speaking of which, here's a part!

Matthew got out of the car, pulling his hood down over his face and following Gilbert to the house. He kept his head down, not wanting to draw attention to himself.
Gilbert rang the doorbell and waited as an old moustached man in a black tuxedo opened it.
"Hallo! I'm here for Franny's vedding."
"Welcome." The butler ushered them through. "Might I have your names?"
"Bielshmidt and company."
"GIL!" A blur of blonde and blue rushed down the stairs and wrapped itself around Gilbert excitedly.
Once it stopped moving long enough for Matthew to see who it was, he panicked.
" zhis zhat roommate you were telling moi about?"
Matt tugged his hood over his fcce more.
"Ja. Francis, zhis is Matthew."
"Ha, my cousin's name is Matthew." Francis chuckled to himself.
If only he knew...
The Frenchman reached for Matthew's hood, but the Canadian squirmed away.
Gilbert blinked at him in confusion.
"Mattie, c'mon,"
By that point Francis had caught up to him and pulled his hood down. He gasped.
"You came 'ome!" The Frenchman hugged him tightly, crying into his shoulder.
"Jou two know each ozher?"
"Matthieu is my cousin. 'E ran away from 'ome when 'e was-"
Francis paused. "Wait...if you're Gilbert's roommate...and 'e said 'is roommate was...Matthieu, did Ivan 'urt you? I told you 'e was bad news. I told you-"
"Francis, stop." Gilbert warned.
But it was already too late to stop the warmth of tears leaking from Matthew's violet eyes.
He tried to turn and run away, but Gilbert caught his shirt.
"Yo, Francis, what's all this ruckus about?"
Great. Now Alfred was here too.
The American stopped on the stairs, hand lingering over the railing. His baby blue eyes teared up when he saw his long lost twin brother standing in the foyer.
"Mattie..." The scene hit him and he took off running, pulling Matthew into his arms and crying loudly.
The Canadian didn't know what to do.
"Alfred, please," Matthew pushed him away subtly. He stepped back, ready to leave, but Alfred caught him again.
"Don't go. I haven't seen you for years. We have to catch up."
"I'm sorry, I have to go..."
"Not so fast, jou little shit. I told jou I vasn't leaving jou home alone."
"Alone?! What happened? Where's Ivan?"
"Al...please..." Francis placed a hand on Alfred's shoulder. "Let zhe boy breathe."
Alfred stepped away, looking guilty.
"Now," Francis gestured to the archway behind him. "Come into zhe living room and tell us what we missed."
Matthew wanted to run away, but there was such a caring look in the eyes of his brother and cousin. And he had missed them.
He told them everything he told Gilbert. Everything from loving Ivan to losing him. He didn't mention anything about the suicide attempt. It wasn't in his plan to have even more people worried about him.
"So, 'ow did you end up rooming wizh Gilbert?" Francis asked.
"Ve hooked up, but ve vere trapped in a snow storm so I ended up staying an extra night. He found out I vas homeless und let me live wizh him."
"Wait...You got to fuck Mattie?!" Alfred stood, surprised. Matthew's face turned red and he looked away.
"What's 'e like? I always wondered..."
"Vell, zhe first time ve did it-"
"You did it twice?!"
"GUYS!" Matthew stood, face as red as the Canadian flag.
The other three looked up in surprise.
"It was the anniversary of Ivan's death. I was drunk off my ass and made some shitty mistakes. Could you lay off."
"I...vas a mistake?" Gilbert's bottom lip quivered.
If Matthew hadn't have been so worked up, he might have stopped there. But oh no.
"Of course you were a fucking mistake! You've done nothing but control me since we met and you're shitty in bed. No wonder Liz chose Roderich over you."
Gilbert looked like somebody had speared him through the gut.
But, once again, Matthew didn't give a shit.
He turned around and stormed out of the room.
"My name is Matthew Braginski." He said to the butler waiting outside. "Show me to my room."

I got a haircut and the first thing I did was scare a lady in a restaurant bathroom. Way to go Shick. Hair on point.

One More NightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora