Don't Kill The Magic

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unicornsparkles163 is the closest to figuring out the mystery of the chapter titles. Yes, they're songs, but what do they have in common?

"Hey, Matthew, you up?"
"Only a bit." Matthew didn't want to roll over to see who was at the door. Kuma was lying on top of him and he already knew it was Natalia.
"Can I come in?"
The woman entered in what she still always wore to bed. Her hair was up and she was draped in a large T-shirt over flannel shorts. She sat down on the edge of Matthew's bed, waiting for him to roll over as quickly as he could without waking his bear up.
"So...who was that guy who dropped you off?"
"The old guy."
"Gilbert isn't even thirty." At far as Matthew knew.
"His hair was white."
"Yeah...and yours kinda is too."
"Fair enough." Natalia looked down at her hands and pursed her lips. "Uhm..."
"Is something wrong?" Matthew sat up. Kumajirou growled and crawled to the end of the bed where he went back to sleep.
"Matthew, please don't kill yourself. Ivan doesn't want that for you."
Matthew froze. "How'd you know?"
"Katyusha found a note in your hood from that Gilvario guy."
"Look, we're here for you. Everybody is."
"But I want to be with Ivan."
"And I told you, Ivan wants you to be happy again. But not like that."
Matthew sighed. His stomach ached from the familiar scent of the bed where he and Ivan had made love for the first time...and the second...and the third. The blonde didn't want to be alone anymore.
"You're still young, Matthew. You have so much life left to live. Ivan wants you to find love again. And, if that's not possible, to at least have a few good friends who will be there for you no matter what." Natalia hugged Matthew tightly. He could remember a time when she hated him over all the attention he was getting from her brother. But that eventually faded when she saw how happy the two were. And then, when Ivan died, she and him had become incredibly close. They shared a similar loss.
"Me and Kat will always be here. Just remember. And this Gilbert sounds like he cares a lot too. If you need to move in so we'll be closer, just ask."
"I don't want to burden you with-"
"A dead brother-in-law is much more of a burden than a live one in our house."
Matthew nodded slowly. "I would...but I think Gil's homeless so..."
"As long as you have somebody around." Natalia let go of Matthew, patting his head. "Now, go to sleep. Katyusha wants you to help her make pancakes in the morning."
"G'night." Matthew muttered, grabbing Kuma and curling up in a little ball.
"Oh yeah...I almost forgot..." Natalia lingered outside Matthew's doorway. "Ivan told me you sleep around. He says he doesn't mind...he likes to watch. Good night."
And with that, she shut the door and went to bed.

For some reason I'm game for tsundere Belarus.

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