Chapter 33 ~ You Slimy Squid

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Chapter 33

You Slimy Squid

Frodo stood up and walked towards the door.

“It’s a riddle.” I heard him say. I looked back towards the lake. Strange ripples moved across it.

“Speak friend, and enter. What’s the elfish word for friend?” He asked. I stood up. I didn’t fall down though. I grasped at the side of my hip for my sword. It wasn’t there. Of course! They wouldn’t keep it on me. I was panicking though I didn’t know where it was. I picked up my bag and slung it round my shoulder. 

I pulled up my right pant leg. Sure enough my dagger was still there. It was about a hand-length long with a small leather handle. I pulled it out of the strap and lowered my pant leg again. 

I picked up the food bag too, I was feeling stronger and no one else needed to burden it and they were all occupied. Even though I was feeling stronger I still felt really weak. I slowly started to walk towards Gandalf and Frodo. 

I took it step my step and only fell once, luckily I was holding my dagger out so I didn’t stab myself. 

The doors creaked open. Everybody stood up I was close to the doors and went in after Gandalf did.

“Soon Master Elf you will feel the feeble hospitality of the dwarves.” Gimli’s voice echoed through the cave. He continued, “Roaring fires, malt beer, ripe meat off the bone. This, my friend is the home of my cousin Balin. And they call it a mine. A mine!” 

“This is no mine, it’s a tomb.” Boromir said. Then everyone started noticing the carcasses everywhere. I was a little surprised they hadn’t noticed them earlier, there were bodies everywhere.

“NOOOOOOO!” Gimli wailed. Legolas bent down and retrieved an arrow. 

“Goblins.” He said throwing down the arrow. He came and stood beside me again. They all unsheathed their swords. I still held my dagger and held it in a defensive matter.

“We make for the gap of Rohan. We should never have come here. Now, get out! Get OUT!” Boromir shouted. The hobbits ran out of the cave first. Followed by the rest of us. 

A tentacle shot out of the water and grabbed Frodo.

“Strider!” Sam called. Aragorn whipped around. Sam took out his sword and hacked at the tentacle making it release him. Suddenly a whole squid came and took Frodo. The boys ran at the Squid and I tried but Gandalf held me back. I watched the scene unfold.

Legolas was shooting arrows at it and Aragorn was chopping off its many tentacles. The creature’s head popped up and it began to lower Frodo towards itself. It opened it’s mouth, but just before it could do anything, Boromir came and chopped the tentacle off, making it release Frodo. 

“Into the mines!” Gandalf shouted. I hesitantly stepped backwards into the darkness. Legolas distracted it while Boromir, Aragorn and Frodo made their way towards the cave.

As the group ran in the squid pulled the entrance down, plunging us into total darkness. Boulders fell down sealing the entrance. Gandalf lit the gem up on the end of his staff.

“We now have but one choice. We must face the long, dark path of Moria. Be on your guard. There are older and farer things than Orcs in the deep places of the world.” He said. 

“It is a four day journey to the other side, let us hope that our presence goes unnoticed.” He continued.

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~ ~ ~ OMG. Three updates in however many days that was. Lucky you guys. I wish the books I read updated as fast. This is dedicated to AliceWitt because she is super cool. ~ ~ ~

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