Choose the path

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"Master Yoda, are you sure that me and Sarine are ready to go out on our own?" I asked him as the small green creature had no expression on his face at all.

Feeling eyes pierce me as I questioned one of the greatest Jedis of all time .

It's not that I trusted Sarine, to be a great Jedi someday and a very skilled padawan.

But ,I was solely sixteen and my last mission with two young Jedis didn't end very well.

I couldn't lose the battle like I did last time . Where , me and Anakin died by our own blood relative .

Even though ; the memories was slowly fading the images away . I couldn't feel responble for another life on my hands .

"Doubt and fear I sense in you young Solo. Be careful , for your thoughts lead you astray to the dark side ,they do." He said as the rest of the council remained silent .

" Master Anna , do you think you can do this mission with Sarine ?" Master Windu asked as his eyes narrowed on Sarine .

" Master Windu, I trust Sarine completely and I am honored to be her partner in this mission . I am just worried because the dark lords may be stronger than us . And Sarine's life has not yet begun yet."

My words must have concerned him because Yoda's feelings showed of worried .

" Council , speak to Master Solo I must .Great concerned is she about this mission "

Sarine gave me a love/hate look as she walked out with the rest of the council .

" Here alone ,we are young Skywalker so tell me why you distrust yourself !" Yoda exclaimed as he motioned for me to sit down in one of the counsiler's seats next to him .

Feeling the red soft fabric that covered most of the counsiler's chair as I took a seat next to Master Yoda

" Back home , me and two of my family members went on a mission and it ended tragically . My cousin Anakin Solo who is exactly like my twin died in my arms . " tears sprung out as thoughts of Sarine dying came to the surface .

" So much tragedy losing someone we love Master Skywalker . Pain and anger, we start to feel is a step toward the dark side young one . Be careful of your thoughts for they lead you astray ."

Yoda's words hit me hard as I remembered Father telling me of Jacen turning to the dark side .

Before he turned to the dark side , Jacen was a very gifted Jedi like his sister .

He loved all of us like his own siblings but something happened to make him go toward the dark side .

Realizing now ,that my own father never told me the reason why Jacen turned to the dark side .

" Young Annakina , I sense you are troubled about someone !" He exclaimed as I brought myself back to reality .

Wanting to tell him everything from me dying to Obi Wan and mine relationship. To counsil with someone for their advice on my mission .

But I ,only could tell everything to two people . And Anakin and Obi Wan rang through my mind as peace came about me .

" Death is a hard thing to grasp when someone you love died Master Yoda .But you are right , my mission is number one and I must not get distracted with my feelings . "

Hoping ; he would sense to trust me as I knew I could do this with Sarine .

" Master Anna , trust you I do . Trust yourself to fulfil both of these mission . "

Annakia SkywalkerWhere stories live. Discover now