The wise of a grandmother

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" So how do you put up with Master Rebecca ?" Padme asked as I looked up from the water to look at her .

Spending two days here made missing Obi Wan bearable .

" I just have to , I guess , it makes me miss Obi Wan and Anakin more though "

Saying the words before I even realized it .

Giving me a startled look ," You call Master Kenobi by his first name ?" She asked with a smile .

" Yes and no ." I answered laughing trying to shake it off .

" Okay Anna, whatever you say but I think something is happening between you two !" Padme exclaimed.

" My lady , we are Jedis. We are not allowed to have distraction other than the force ." I stuttered wishing that she could see her kids and grandchildren grow up .

" Okay Anna , I believe you ." Padme exclaimed as she pushed me playfully.

" How is little Ani doing ?" She asked as a smile crossed my face hearing his name.

" He is learning very quickly ; The force is strong in him ."

He was the chosen one that would bring back order to the force .

Why couldn't Jacen be more like our grandfather . But maybe he wouldn't turn when I fully completed this mission.

" Padme , can I ask you a question ?" I asked as Padme gave me a smile then nodded her head .

" If you lost the love of your life while your were pregnant . Would you survive the grief of the loss of him to see your children grow up ? "

Father would always tell me stories of when our grandmother died of a broken heart .

Her smile turned to a frown ," I do not know, Anna , because it would be losing half of my heart ."

" You are so brave Padme , don't you ever forget that ." I replied as I tried to get her spirits up again.

" What about you Anna , if you could have love and then lose it . Would you be able to go on ?"

Pausing as Obi Wan dying crossed my mind as I felt pain hit me very hard .

Knowing if we all survived when I complete the mission . He would be dead by the time I would be born .

The very thought of him not being with me :was something that I didnt even think about till now .

" Padme , the truth is I really do not know . How could you breath without the person that completes you !"

Tears formed in my eyes as I wiped them away quickly ." Master Anna , you will never be able to have a relationship that distracts you from the force ."

Looking up to see Master Rebecca glaring at me and my grandmother .

" Do not think of me that way Master Rebecca . I am a Jedi and I do not get distracted very easily . So do not tell me how to be a Jedi when I had one of the very best teacher who will become a Jedi legend !"

Anger didn't describe what I was feeling toward her and Sarine .

Skywalker blood runs through my veins and the force is strong in my family . Grandfather had it , Dad and Aunt Leia have it , and I do as well.

I was in this mission to help guide Anakin from going to the dark side .

Master Rebecca looked at me as I defended myself for the first time I arrived in the past .

" Master Anna , we are scheduled to leave tomorrow . I will leave you alone with queen Amidala . " She said as I knew I had hurt her feelings .

But the truth ;was I wasn't a little girl anymore .

Father had train me to be the best that I could be with the force .Espicially after Jacen joined the dark side .

" Come Anna, I need to speak to you privately !" Padme's voice brought me back to reality .

" Let's go ." I replied before I could even blink .

Padme led the way as I followed her to the bathing room.

" Anna , what does that master Jedi have against you ?" She asked as she turned around to face me.

Seeing this room made me think of my last time here . The day that Obi Wan first kissed me .

" Anna, are you listening to me ."

" Yes I am Padme . And I was supposed to go on my own mission with her padawan Sarine . But I second guessed myself like my master taught me and Sarine and Rebecca didn't take it so well ."

" She is wrong about you Anna . You are a good person and a great Jedi ."

Hearing my grandmother's words of encouragement made me smile . Wishing that I could have grown up knowing her as a child .

" Thank you Padme but I have so many challenges to go through before that happens ." I said .

" Well we are both young so a still have alot to learn in this galaxy . Me in politics and you with the force !" She exclaimed as we slid into the warm water .

" Do you have any siblings ?" Padme asked as I came up from the water .

" I have four siblings , Jacen ,Jaina , Ben , and Leila ." I replied knowing that I could not mention Anakin without crying my eyes .

Which would lead me to tell her future which she didn't need to know .

" Did any follow you to be a Jedi ?"

Full of questions for a fourteen year old queen ,I knew Leila acted alot like Padme with all of her questions about everyone's life .

" Jaina did but the rest went all of the galaxy as soon as they could ."

" Anna , I am sorry !" Padme exclaimed as I looked back to her to give her a questionable look.

" Why are you apologizing for ?" I asked wondering what did she mean

" Because , some of the Jedi masters treat you with so little respect . They can not see how gifted you are with the force ."

Her encouragement made me smile ," Padme , I still have alot to work on with the force . But I hope I can be a small light to lead others from the dark side ."

I knew I was the Skywalker in this fight . Anakin was with the sith, Dad was to the empire , and me to the rising back of the dark side.

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