Mission Sanity

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" I do not understand why i am being punished for something that Master Anna did !"

Looking at Sarine while she said those words stung deep in me .

" Young one , trust you she did . Trust herself she did not .That is why she came here for wisdom ." Master Yoda said as he looked for the rest of the council to see if they would say anything.

" Sarine , Master Kenobi told me that Master Anna was severly hurt when they found her on Tattione . " Master Windu exclaimed as all their eyes fell on me .

" Sarine , punish you must be to learn that we are peacekeepers ." Master Yoda added .

That was every young Jedi had to learn past and present, including myself . Mother was right about my anger issues with the force .

Being in Sarine's shoes back home when I pinned my own mother against the wall.

Knowing that I was wrong for what I did to her :but I was to proud to show it . I had been angry for other reason instead of her judgement on me . Mother 's pride over Ben and Leila instead of me was one of the many in me .

But the truth was , Aunt Leia raised me as her own with my older brother Ben . I didn't even know that Aunt Leia wasn't my mother till they came to take me home .

But this was the past and the Jedi order was pretty strict on their rules . " Master Anna , a mission you will go on but not with Sarine . For she ,is still to young to go out on her own. " Master Windu said as I looked over to Sarine . Sensing anger and hurt from her emotions; I knew it was best this way . Because, I was still to young to go out on my own with another person my age .

" You will go on a different mission with Master Rebecca Phasma . Great teacher she will be to you ,Master Anna ."

Exhaling as she entered the room . Master Rebecca stood a little taller than my 5'6 . Her baby face with the sandy blond hair and green eyes made her look my age instead of twenty-six .

" Finally , Master Yoda has told me so much about you . A Jedi master at sixteen is a real honnor , Master Anna. "

Smiling ,as she kept talking to me about our mission. I knew that she was level-headed and also a great Jedi .

" Sarine , you are dismissed now . " Master Rebecca said as she ushered Sarine out of the room.

Odd. Due to the fact that Sarine didnt give a fuss or even attempt to argue to her ." Yes ,Master ."

" I am sorry do the way my apprentice talked to you . I've taught her better than that ."

Then it clicked , I was going on a mission with Sarine 's Jedi master .

Three hours later, we was heading to the planet Naboo for some business with queen Amidala .

" Master Kenobi told me you know the queen on Naboo. What is she like ?" Master Rebecca asked as I smiled to her.

" She's only fourteen but she is very mature for her age. " I exclaimed knowing that I looked alot like her in many ways .

" Well , I cannot wait to meet her ." Master Rebecca said as I nodded to her words .

Looking down at my attire I knew Obi would kill me if he saw me in my black tights and black brassiere.

But this what Master Rebecca told me to do compared to my tunic or pantsuit .

" I know you don't approve of what I told you to wear . But you got to improve with the order .Most girls wear to complement their bodies . "

Signing as I looked down as it do made me look older .

" I agree , it makes me look older than sixteen ."

Seeing the planet as we neared it made me smile. I couldn't wait to see my grandmother since it had been awhile .

I needed some familiarity since my Obi had left . It had been only a few hours since he had departed with Anakin . But my heart ached still for him .

Being beside him since I came here , I wasn't used to being without him.

" You know that I absolutely can't wait for Sarine to become a Jedi ."

Her conversation turned to awkward as the tension began to rose between us .

" She will pass the trials with ease . " I replied knowing it was true .

Sarine was a good padawan she just had a temper like I did.

It didn't take us long to land the ship on the ground as the pilots walked past us .

" Master Anna , it is good to see you again ." The pilot who had helped us fight off the droids in our battle to take back the kingdom .

" Andrew , I'm glad to see a familiar face ." I cried throwing my arms around the young pilot .

Sensing him feeling blushed when I suddenly forgot my attire .

I slowly picked up my denity by letting him quickly .

" Queen Amidala is eager to see you, Master Anna . " he said as I smiled at him and motioned for Rebecca to follow .

" What Jedi buisness do you have with the queen?" Andrew asked as Master Rebecca caught up with us .

" It is private and Master Anna is here because she isn't ready to go on a mission by herself."

Looking at her wide eyed as Andrew gave her a weird look.

" Master Anna is a brave warrior . She helped us win back the castle against the Sith ." Andrew snapped .

Master Rebecca looked at me then to Andrew , " You helped Master Quinn and Master Kenobi with the Sith ?" She asked as I shook my head no.

" No, I was with the queen and her maidens ." I answered .

" But still you fought and protected the queen . Why are you afraid to go out on your own ?".

Why don't they forget about it.As we made it up the large steps that led to the entrance .I wanted to Padme now more than ever .

Looking at the beautiful red flowers that stood in front of the pillars .

With Andrew to my right and Master Rebecca to my left .

We entered to the main hall where the queen awaited for our arrival .

" The queen is ready to see you!" One of her security officers said .

They opened the hall doors , and my eyes sparkled at the sight of my grandmother .

" Anna, it is so nice to see you again ." She said as she came to me .

" My lady , we are here for buisness not pleasure !" Master Rebecca stated .

" I know that Master Jedi but I will speak to Anna." Padme boldy said .

Smiling ,as my grandmother defended me .

" Yes my lady but we need to discuss this pretty soon. "

Looking at Padme as she gave me a funny look ," Okay Master Jedi let's discuss the buisness ."

My mind wandered as they discussed about the protection of the security .

Did Master Rebecca blame me like Sarine did for her anger toward me .

Wishing my dad or Aunt Leia was here to help me along this mission.

But I was here alone and I knew Anakin was the first on my list . Not Sarine or even Master Rebecca's feeling toward me didn't matter at all.

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