Obi Wan's love

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The water was cold ;around me as silence filled the room.

It had been three days since I told the love of my who I really was .


" Anna, why did you keep this secret for so long ?" Words finally broke out of him since I had told him I was Anakin's granddaughter.

I knew I'm my heart, that Obi Wan would never look at me the same way ever again .

Before this , I was just anouther Jedi who was strong with this to him. Now , I was the key to help Anakin bring balance to the order .

Hoping though , his love for me was still there .

" Obi Wan , I honestly do not know why ! I always kept thinking that it wasn't the right time . " I exclaimed as I had enough courage to finally meet eye to eye with him.

His beautiful blue eyes was filled with hurt and confusion . My heart split ,into two pieces knowing that I had caused him pain .

" An, I cannot do this anymore !" Obi Wan said as he stood up and began to walk away from me .

All I could do was stare at his back as he walked away from me .

" Obi Wan , I know that I have hurt you but I do love you !" I exclaimed as tears flowed down my cheeks .

But he kept walking from me , tears slid down me more as I welcomed the coldness from the bathing water .

I knew that my secret that I had kept from him would be the divider between us .

" Anna , I still loved you even though you hurt me in many ways . Never give up on me or our love . "

My thoughts ranged with Ben's voice as I covered my mouth with my hand . To keep others from hearing my sobbing and gasps.

Ben's voice was filled with convidence and reassurance, .

" An, my sweet beautful girl . You must find out the truth about yourself. "

" What truth ,Ben ?" I asked as confusion filled me along with my thoughts .

" These thoughts , dreams , and visions are not Jacen at all . But the truth to your life is coming back to you . " Ben words shook fear through me .

I knew that I needed more answers than he was giving me ," Ben, how do I learn of the truth ?"

Silence clunged in the air for several minutes as I waited for his answer .

" Go to Master Yoda , and he will help you relearn your memories !"

Memories , what did they have to do with what him and my father have kept from me .

Grabbing my robe, as I quickly got out of the water . I knew that I had to see Master Yoda as soon as possible .

" Remember this Anna , your father always loved you and did everything that he could save you !"

Wait , what did my father have anything to do with this .

I hurried even more as I put my pants and my tunic .

Only able to walk slowly as my legs was still very stiff.

" Master Solo , you are going to damagr your legs . The more you push yourself !" Master Windu said as I looked up meet his gaze .

" I do not care right now , Master Windu . My only concern is to see Master Yoda as soon as I can !" I exclaimed as I walked past him as fast I could.

" Anna, I know it's frustrating but you are getting there ." He said as his voice was filled with concern .

Tears sprung out of nowhere , as I knew that I did not have the time like I needed to .

" You are right Master Windu , but I have important matters that I have to discuss with Yoda ."

Smiling at my words , " Well may the force be with you , Anna !" Master Windu said as I repeated the words to him.

" You know he is right , Anna girl !" Ben's voice said as I was growing frustrated at myself .

Pain started to slowly appear the farther I walked .

But I ignored it as I could begin to see the padawans and Jedi masters going back and forth .

" Keep your posture ." I repeated to myself as other's eyes was on me .

But I ignored them and kept walking to the council room .

Knowing that I was the freak that choked herself almost to death .

The favorite one who did not expelled even though they thought I needed to .

" Master Solo , why are you pushing yourself ?" A girl's voice came as I looked up to see Depa with a huge smile on her face .

Sensing , that she was alot happier than she needed to be .

" I am better , I am not in pain !" My words filled with lie as the pain begin to increase .

" I must talk with you about a certain someone !" Depa implied as she threw her left arm around me .

Being a foot taller than I was; it made me feel like a child to her .

" Soon." I could barely get the word out let alone smile at her .

Knowing it meant that she told Obi Wan how she felt . And now thay were together as I could feel anger toward them and me .

" Master Solo , see me you must !" Master Yoda's broke over Depa as the little green creature sat on his little round speeder .

" Yes sir ." I applied as I turned to give Depa a goodbye smile before following him into the red room.

" Anna , be prepared before you learn the truth . Pain and anger are the two most leaders to the dark side . It led Anakin and Jacen to the dark side , do not let it consume you . Remember that I love you always no matter what the younger me says ."

His words made my heart go into a haze as I walked into room .

" But you can do this ,Anakina . You are a Skywalker and the key that changes time itself . "

" I am scared ,Ben . " I thought to myself as I needed his reassurance.

" You do not need my reassurance , love . Because you are stronger than you think !"

Ben's words made me smile for the first time in days .

" Ready for the truth you are ,Anakina . But prepare you must for the truth is dark . " Master Yoda said as I locked eyes with him .

" Yes Master , I am ready . More than I have ever been ." I replied even though I really wasn't .

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