Memories last

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" Where are you taking me ?" I asked as Obi Wan carried out of the temple .

It had been months since I had been out of the temple let alone the temple .

" Always full of questions ,you are ?" The twenty year old said as he set me on a floating speeder .

" I can not believe that the council and Dr. Nika would let me out of my bed !" I exclaimed as we toward the bus .

Looking down at the speeder as I tried to figure out how to work the blasted piece of junk .

" Think of where you want to go and your it will lead you there !" Obi Wan said as I gave him a solemn look.

" Haha very funny , Master Kenobi . Make fun of the cripple Jedi !" I taunted him  as it did exactly like he said .

" You mean make fun of my girlfriend !" Obi Wan exclaimed as I began to follow him toward the public bus .

" Speaking of questions , where are we going ?" I asked as we entered the crowded bus .

" You will see !"  Obi Wan's word made me even more curious as I looked at him.

Three hours later , I began to see less and less tall buildingsand more wild life .

"  Are we going to our cabin ?" I asked as I turned to look at him  .

Shaking his head no , Obi Wan turned toward me ," Patience Anna , for all good comes from those who wait !" Obi Wan stated in a voice like Master Yoda  .

" Well Master Jedi , I guess I will wait !" I replied to him with a little sarcastic in my voice .

Seeing his smug face made me want to slap his arm in front of everybody .

" Anna , I love you !" His words made my eyes almost bug out of my head  .

" There is no one here that recognizes us , love . We can act like a normal couple !" Obi Wan whispered as I knew he had read my thoughts .

" Okay fine Obi ." I exclaimed as I slapped his shoulder as hard as I could .

His smile turned to a frown for a second ," What in heavens made you do that ?" Obi Wan asked as he began to rub his arm .

" Your lovely words did !" I answered as I couldn't help but smile at the man .

The bus seemed to slow down as Obi Wan stood up , " Here's our stop ."

Looking at him weird knowing that he was definatily was right about the cabin.

" Trust me Anna girl  " Obi Wan said as I followed him out of the bus and into the dirt.

" Great , now everyone is going to think that you have a cripple for a girlfriend !" I exclaimed as how I wished he would let me walk even if it was at a slow pace .

" Anna , do you think that I care of what these villagers think of you ," He asked as I began to feel eyes wandering to me .

" You might not care but I certainly do ." I said as I could cheeks begin to burn with red .

" Are we almost there ?" I asked an hour of walking down the same street .

" Patience my love , and we are here !" Obi Wan exclaimed as I looked around to see all hills .

" Very funny Obi ." Trying to feel if he was telling the truth or not .

Sensing he was telling the whole truth ; but yet I was puzzled for what he was up to .

" Here you can not make it down there without hurting the temples speeder . So I will carry you down the rest ." Obi Wan said as he walked over to me and picked me up with ease .

" Okay , I trust you Obi but dare drop me ." I replied as he began walk down the steep hill.

" I can always use the force to pick you up !" The copper hair man said as I couldn't help but smile at the man .

" Not if your falling also !" I retorted back at him as I began to see all different kind of wildflowers far as the eye could see .

" It is beautiful  , Obi Wan ."

The meadow reminded me of the one I use to go to as a child .Mother use to take me and Leila as a child so we could know what green fields and trees felt like instead of the blister sand of Tattoine.

" You told me before how you loved that meadow . And how you use to lie in the grass to soak up the sun . " Obi Wan said as he placed me on the ground .

Sitting down beside me , Obi Wan picked up a daisy as he handed it to me .

" Anna , I want to make these last three  weeks last . With memories that we will cherish to you wake up once more . Hopefully before we are old and grey !"  Obi Wan exclaimed as his eyes pierced mine .

" Now you are growing soft for a Jedi Master ,Obi Wan . Be wary of your thoughts !" I replied mimicking Master Windu's voice .

Suddenly he pulled me to him as my body followed his lead .

" Soft ,ugh !" Obi Wan said through his laughter as he placed me on the grass as he laid beside me .

" Great , take advantage of a criple ." I shot back as I grabbed a piece of his tunic to pull toward me .

Claiming his lips , I knew that in three short weeks I will be dead in sleep . And maybe , I will wake up before Anakin decides to turn to the dark side .

" I miss this ." I said as he leaned his head to rest on his hand .

"  Miss ?" Obi Wan question made me think of  my home ,my parents , and my siblings. Where the most that I had to worry about was pleasing Father .

" I miss the warmth of the sun on my face and no worries as a child ."

Closing my eyes as I made myself relax even for a brief moment .

" Anna , please stay with me !" Obi Wan's words made me flip them open for a brief moment .

" I cannot prevent this ,Obi . Even though I wish we could spend the rest of our lives together . But pray ,that I will wake up to still see your copper hair .Even it is starting to show grey !"

Sensing that his heart was breaking at the moment .

" Come on Obi , let's pretend that my most concern is you dropping me on that hill !"

Trying to fill my voice with hope as I closed my eyes once more for peace .

Feeling his lips on mine as I wrapped my arms around them . Having enough strength to pull him as close as I can .

Our kiss was unlike any time before this ; it was full of fire and love .

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