Chapter Six

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I finally finished my show and ran off stage. I need to speak to Tuka as soon as possible. "Justin? Chaz and Ryan have landed okay?" Ryan and Chaz are coming too? Oh this is just... Great. "Urm, have you seen Tuka?" I asked in a hurry. "Ur, yeh I think she's back at the hotel.." He mumbled, turning to his phone. "Thanks." I breathed out, and ran straight for the hotel. After I finally pushed through the papz and fans I made my way to my hotel room. I unlocked the door to see Tuka sitting on the sofa, well, laying on the sofa. As I approached her, I noticed tear stains on the cushion. I did that? "T-Tuka? I-I'm sorry a-about Se-Selena..." I stuttered, sitting beside her balled up body. I've never been so nervous around a girl before. Its weird. "Justin I was gonna forgive you.... But knowing you told someone else about me being a Slut when I'm not?" She shook her head and un curled her body, before walking into her room. "Tuka.. P-Please... I-I didn't mean it... Y-You know that... Please.." I whispered, standing in the doorway. She laid back on her bed, cuddling the pillow close. "Justin... Just go okay? You're wasting your time..." She sighed, turning over so she was no longer facing me. "I'm sorry.." I whispered, before closing the door. 
I made my way over to the club, where everyone was chillin. Selena was nowhere to be seen. I still have to talk to her, Chaz and Ryan. I told them everything about Tuka. I just, don't want them to think the same when they meet her. At the end of the day? She isn't a slut. She's far from being a slut. Now that I know her a bit more? I realise how wrong I was about her. She's beautiful and funny, she is far from a slut. I'm still not sure if she's eating properly, but... Ill handle that another time. "Justin, look at the door..." Fredo pointed out. I looked up to see Ryan and Selena, walking in. Hand. In. Hand. Urm what? I walked over acting like I didn't have a problem. "Hey.." I fake smiled. "Urm, Justin? Can I talk to you..." Ryan mumbled, kissing Selena on the cheek before walking towards the door. "Look it wasn't my idea, it was hers okay? So, where's this slut?" I cringed at the word slut. "She isn't a slut.. Like I thought..." I mumbled, walking back over to my seat. "Everything okay?" Fredo mumbled in my ear. "Yeh.." I sighed. Why does everything have to mess up?

After Justin left I decided to take a long hot bath to clear my head. I just, I don't get why he told everyone I was a slut? But, the fact that he stood there and let Selena say those things to me. Its like he's her pet or something? Money pet probably. I climbed out the bath, looking at my petite body in the mirror. Every bone, every flaw was showing. I sighed, feeling sick looking at myself. I grabbed my towel and made my way to my room, chucking on some pj's. I partly dried my hair and slummed in front of the telly. Until there was a knock at the door. Probably Justin, too drunk to get the keys through the door. I opened the door to reveal, someone who I've never seen before. "Hello? Can I help you?" I asked, slightly confused. "Urm, this is Justin's room right?" Another fan maybe? "urm.. Depends who's asking?" I raised my eyebrows. "Urm... Well, I'm his friend Chaz? He doesn't know I'm here its just... I wanted to get to know his friend Tuka before he says anything so I can you know defend her if he's mean?" He breathed out, blushing slightly. Bless him. "I'm Tuka, nice to meet you Chaz.." I giggled, allowing him in. Sounds stupid right because I've only just met him? But, he made the effort to get to know me before he judged me. "You're really beautiful by the way..." Chaz mumbled, sitting on the sofa. "Well, I don't get called that a lot.." I chuckled nervously. He shook his head slightly. "you should be told that all the time.." He mumbled, looking down at the floor. "Thanks.." I giggled slightly. So, how come Justin's friends are so kind and polite. What happened to Justin? But I suppose, Justin has the fame, and they don't. "Shall we go down the club with everyone else?" He suggested, helping me up. "Urm, yeh I just gotta get my stuff from Za's room.." I walked down the hall to his room. Just as I was about to knock, I realised the door was open. Well that's strange. I opened the door, hearing noises from... Fredo's room? "Fredo?" I called out, waiting for a reply. "Shit.." I heard someone whisper. After about 5 minuets Fredo walked out, with a girl? "I-I urm... I came to get... My stuff?" I stuttered. I couldn't believe it. He nodded awkwardly, grabbing my stuff and walking me to the door. "I'm sorry Tuka.." He whispered, handing me my stuff. "I don't care any more.." I shook my head, walking back to my room. I chucked my stuff in my bedroom, before curling up on my bed, crying everything I had in me, out. "Everything okay?" Shit, I forgot Chaz was still here. "I urm.. F-Fredo he... And A G-Girl.." Was all I managed to get out. "Shh its okay, look.. I'm here for you okay?" He whispered, pulling me into his chest. "Thank you..." I mumbled, drying my eyes. "How about, I go get some ice cream and some DVD's?" He suggested, but why? "Urm, sure!" I smiled, before walking over to the sofa slowly. "Ill be right back.." He said, kissing me on the cheek before leaving. Sending butterflies through my stomach. Wow...

TURN TO YOU~ Justin Bieber Love Story*completed*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora