Chapter Forty Six

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"Tuka no!" I shouted, rushing over towards her. She was curled up in the shower, razor in her hands as blood dripped from her arms, legs, hips. I rushed over, pushing the curtain away from her body before pulling her into my arms. Tears rushed down our faces as I asked her one simple question. "Why?" I chocked, feeling my clothes begin to stick to my body, the shower water rushing over the both of us. She just shook her head, unable to speak as she dropped the razor beside her. Her body started to shake, as I ran my fingers down her side, making my way to her hips. My fingers ran over the cuts, causing her to jump at me touch. I don't understand why she's done this, why she's hurt herself so much. I grabbed the razor beside us both, turning her around gently to make her face me. She looked me in the eyes, all the colour had been drained out of them, she looked tired, weak. She frowned slightly, looking between me and the razor. I placed it into her hands, still looking into her eyes as I pulled my arm out in front of me. Her mouth widened as she looked at me, she knew what I was going to do. "I want you to take my arm, and cut me as many times as you want to cut yourself.." I whispered, watching her hesitate. She couldn't do it, and I knew she couldn't do it. "I couldn't hurt you like that.." She chocked, chucking the razor across the room, watching it smash into pieces. She looked up at me, her cuts almost stopped bleeding. "Then why do you do it to yourself, if it hurts me?" I whispered, my voice cracking slightly as tears ran down my face. She shook her head, standing up before stepping out the shower, wrapping a towel around her body before sitting on the toilet seat. I shut off the shower, stepping out myself before rmoving most of my clothes, leaving me in my boxers. I opened the cupboard, grabbing a few bandages and wipes, before kneeling in front of Tuka. She removed her towel, covering up what she could as she began to get insecure. I shook my head, removing her arms, letting them fall to her sides. I opened up a wipe, looking up at Tuka before starting to wipe the cuts on her legs. She hissed at the contact. I kissed her cheek each time I wiped one, making sure to kiss the cut too. After wrapping them all up, I wrapped the towel around her, walking her back into the dressing room before pulling out a pair of my sweats and a top. I places them beside her on the sofa, before turning on my heels and finding my own clothes, nothing but silence filled the room. We didn't have to say anything. What was there t say? 

Why did I do it? I don't know. All I know is right now, I can't feel anything. Justin wasn't meant to walk in, he wasn't meant to see anything. When you're under pressure, from the fans, press, everyone. You crack. That's what I did. Crack. As I walked through the arena, everyone giving me sympathetic smiles as Justin held onto my hand tightly, I couldn't feel my feet. I couldn't feel Justin's hand on mine. It was like I was dead, frozen in time. As the blades slid across my skin, everything blurred out, nothing mattered. All the pain, hurt, fear... Vanished. At that moment? I felt content, I felt like I was floating. Everything the fans said just, went away. But that moment, when Justin's scream rang through my ears, everything flooded back, the pain. I wanted to die, right there and then. Nothing is worse than someone walking in when you cut. "Tuka.." Justin whispered as we reached the back door, his soft voice snapping me out of my thoughts. "We're going outside okay? You'll be okay right?" He asked, his eyes full of hurt. I did that, I hurt him without even realising. That's how stupid I am, pathetic, weak. I shouldn't even be with him. Everything the fans said, was right. He deserves better than me. Someone who's cracked, broken. I nodded in response to Justin's question, not showing an ounce of emotion. How could I? I couldn't feel anything anyway. As the doors opened, we walked through the crowds. I couldn't hear what they said, whether it was harsh or not. But Justin could, and he looked down and smiled at me, "You hear what they're saying? They love you.." He smiled, kissing my lips softly. The sound began to get louder, as my cuts started to sting, my vision began to sharpen. "WE LOVE YOU TUKA!" The fans screamed from beside me. I looked up, flashing them a weak smile before walking over to the car. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket, scrolling through twitter to see almost everyone was saying how beautiful, strong I was. But there was one tweet which caught my eye. A tweet which had a photo of me, moments ago. I looked down at it. I couldn't recognise the girl in the photo, she looked tired, and weak. The caption of the photo was 'This is what we have done to this poor girl' But of course, the photo had another beside it. One of me smiling. I was almost glowing in some ways. But as I looked over at the other one, I realised what they were saying. "I'll get you glowing again, promise.." 

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