Chapter Twelve

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I've been walking for hours. I don't know where I'm going, I don't care right now. My phone hasn't stopped ringing. 10 missed calls from dad, 20 from Za, and 50 from Justin. I don't wanna speak to anyone right now. Although, I better talk to Justin right? I mean he's millions of miles away right? I decided to call him, just to find out the truth.

"Hello?" His raspy voice ran through the phone.

"Is it true? What everyone's saying?" I asked, scared of the answer.

"I didn't do anything, I swear... Tuka if you love me you'll believe me!" He shouted down the phone, his voice cracking at the end. Something that happens when he tells the truth. Thing is, I believe him. But, why would they do that? 

"Why would they do that?" I sobbed down the phone. I heard him sigh. "I don't know baby, but I swear I wouldn't do that... " He whispered, almost to quiet for me to hear above my quiet whimpering. "Baby don't cry please.." He pleaded down the phone. "I... I love you Justin.." I stuttered. "I love you too... Please go home baby, everyone's worried..." He mumbled, hoping to get me to go. "I guess Ill go... My mum isn't even ill..." I sighed, knowing I came here for no reason. "What do you mean baby?" He asked, a hint of anger in his voice. "She just has flu... She always does this when she wants money..." I mumbled, hoping he doesn't judge me. "Baby, I've gotta go, ring me later okay? I love you...." He mumbled. I sighed and pressed end. 


Get home now! I've got some news!*


I made my way through the front door earning a shout from Za. "GET IN HERE NOW!" He shouted from the front room. "What? You come to tell me I have to give mum money because she needs to get better? Za she has flu!" I shouted, sitting on the sofa. "I know that... Granddad's... Granddad past away this morning.."I don't believe him. I don't want to believe him. "no! You're lying!! I know you are!" I shouted, pulling my knees to my chest. "I wish I was..." He sighed, running his hands through his hair. " I need Justin..." I whispered, pulling my phone out. "Tuka, he's coming... I called him earlier..." Wait, so Justin knew before me? "I'm going upstairs.." I mumbled, making my way up to my room. So, we came here, because my mum had flu? Now my granddad died. Anything else want to go wrong?


I made my way up to Za's drive way. I knocked on the door before entering. "Justin?" Za shouted, I took my shoes off and made my way to the living room. "How is she?" I asked, sitting beside him. "She's... Broken if I'm honest... She asked for you.." He sighed, knowing he couldn't do anything. I walked upstairs, towards Tuka's room. Her soft voice ringing through the doors. "Where are you now, when I need you the most.." It was one of my songs. I smiled to myself before opening the door. She sat there with a guitar, on her bed, staring out the window. "Baby.." I mumbled, catching her attention. "Justin!" She jumped off the bed into my arms. Quiet sobs filled the room. "I... I missed you.." She chocked, holding onto me tighter. "Baby, I'm here now okay.. I'm here.." I whispered, helping her onto her bed. She looked so broken, so pale. It breaks me to see her like this. "When's the funeral?" I asked her, stroking her hair. "Next week... Then me and Za are coming back on tour.." She mumbled, not taking her eyes off the window. "Well, at least you're stuck with me.." I joked. She smiled slightly, walking over to get something from under her bed. "What's that?" I asked softly. She opened the box which was full of notes and pictures. "Its a memory box, for my nan? I need to make one for my granddad." She whispered, grabbing another box. "Want me to help?" She nodded slightly, handing me a pen. "Just colour on the box.." She smiled, pecking my cheek. "I love you... You know that right?" I said looking her straight in the eye. "I know, I love you too..." 


We finally finished the box. She put notes and pictures in just like the other box. We sat down in her room, waiting for something to happen. "Baby, shall I order some pizza? And we can watch a movie of your choice?" I asked turning to face her. "Sure.. Thanks.." She smiled weakly, hopping off the bed to find a film. Once the pizza finally arrived we sat and watched 'The notebook' It was Tuka's favourite film, as well as mine. "Do you ever wish you could have what they have?" Tuka mumbled, her eyes fixed on the screen. "Sometimes.." I shrugged, looking out towards the window. It was raining pretty heavily, and they were kissing in the rain on the film. I grabbed Tuka's hand and made my way outside. "Justin its raining!" She shouted, standing by the door. "come on baby!" I pulled her out and wrapped my arms around her waist. "What are you doing?" She asked running her hands through my hair. "Making you have what they do.." I said before crashing my lips onto hers. "I love you.."


I woke up the next morning, realizing Justin wasn't beside me any more. I rolled my eyes and hopped out of bed. I washed my face and tied my hair up in a messy bum. When I was satisfied I made my way downstairs. I walked into the kitchen to see Justin... Cooking? He looked so confused. He was running around the kitchen with his tongue sticking out. I let out a loud laugh, soon regretting it. "Don't laugh at me!" Justin shouted playfully, pouting slightly. "What's all this anyway?" I chuckled, wrapping my arms around his neck. "Breakfast?" He suggested, plating everything up. "I.. I'm not hungry..." I shrugged, helping him take the plates in. Its not that I wasn't hungry. I just don't feel like eating. I lost one of my best friends. My granddad. We did everything together. Fishing, shopping... Even shooting. I loved him to pieces. But since my nan died, everything kind of went down hill from there with him. You know what they say, true lovers die of a broken heart. I guess that was granddad. "Tuka you're not starving yourself are you?" He whispered, hoping no one will hear. "No... No.. I'm not hungry.." I shrugged, walking upstairs. I got changed into some running stuff and grabbed my I-Pod. "Whatcha doing?" Justin asked walking through my bedroom door. "Going for a run? Problem?" I hissed, walking down the stairs. I slammed the door shut, running down the road. I just need to clear my head. I didn't mean to snap at Justin, I really didn't.


She just snapped at me and walked out. I don't know whether I did anything, or whether its just her way of coping? I sighed and perched myself on the bed, running my hands through my hair in frustration. "Don't worry about it Justin... Its her way of getting through things. She'll skip breakfast, lunch and tea maybe if we don't force her to eat it, she'll go for a run every morning until the funerals over and done with.." Za explained, sitting beside me. "I just.. I feel like I'm doing something wrong you know?" He chuckled deeply. I shook my head, standing up to look out the window. "Justin, you're doing nothing wrong, trust me... If you were? You wouldn't be here right now.. She just needs some time..." Za mumbled, patting me on the back before walking out. At the end of the day its Tuka's way of coping, and I'm gonna do everything I can to support her. "I'm back!" Her soft voice ran through the house. I sprinted downstairs, pulling her into my arms. "Jeez Justin, I'm all sweaty.. "She whined, getting out of my gripe. "Sweaty, hot, cold I don't care, I love you" I mumbled, pressing my lips to hers. "Who are you and what have you done with Justin?" She joked, poking my sides. "I'm cooking dinner for you tonight. And don't say you're not hungry because you will be!" I warned, moving some loose hair out of her face. "Okay! Don't shoot me!" She joked, running upstairs to get changed I'm guessing. "Justin, the funerals been moved to tomorrow... You couldn't tell Tuka could you?" Za asked, walking pats me. "Sure.. Ill let her know tonight.." I smiled, walking upstairs to find Tuka. I just hope things don't get worse. 

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