Chapter Twenty Seven

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"Looks like you're pretty lucky, you've damaged a few muscles and that's about it.. Apart from your twisted ankle.." The doctor smiled, placing his clipboard onto the end of the bed. I looked at Fredo who was sat beside me, his eyes never leaving me. "Is Za here yet?" I chocked, my throat hurting with the amount of dust I inhaled. "He's outside, you want him?" He smiled, stroking the top of my head. I just nodded, watching him walk out. "Do you know when Justin will be awake?" I asked the doctor, only realising he was still there. "He should be awake by tomorrow, hopefully you'll be walking..." He smiled, pulling out something that looked like a telly. "Here... "He handed me some remote and turned it on. Straight away it came on with the news. "Pop star Justin Bieber has been rushed into hospital along with girlfriend Tuka, is this the end of Justin Bieber?" I rolled my eyes, listening to the women on the telly giving false information. "You don't wanna watch that.." I looked up to see Za standing beside the door, smirking at me. "If I don't do anything I'm gonna go mad.." I chuckled, turning off the telly. I could tell he could see the worry in my eyes. "He'll be okay, the doctors said-" I cut him off. "He'll be awake by tomorrow, I know.. But his rips are broken, so is his leg! God knows how long it will take before he gets back to normal..." I sighed, running my hands through my hair, but soon regretting it when I hit a cut. "He's a fighter Tuka, he'll be back up and running before you know it..." He smiled, rubbing small circles on my hand. "What about me? I can't walk.." I sighed, looking at me useless legs. "That's what you think, but you ran straight into Justin's room when he needed you.." He smiled, pulling up into a sitting position. "Put both of your feet onto the floor... "He whispered, watching my feet as I placed them gently onto the clod floor. I took a deep breath in, before hoisting myself up onto both legs. The blanket falling off of my legs. Za and I gasped at the sight before us. My right leg looked dis functioned and bruised, where as my left one was completely fine. "It'll get back to normal, the doctors said later today, they'll be moving the muscle back into place..." He smiled, helping my step forward. Almost immediately I fell to the ground, but Za pulled me back up, steadying me before helping me once more. I was soon off, with Za's help of course. We made it outside my room, hearing gasps from Pattie, Fredo and Scooter. "You can walk.." Pattie smiled, tears running down her face. "Just about..." I chocked, looking up and down the hall. I wonder if anyone else got hurt, and if so.. Who? "Za, I'm gonna walk on my own for a while okay? I've got my phone if I need you.." I smiled, letting go of his arm before taking a few steps. I stumbled slightly, but soon recovered as I made my way to the front desk. "How can I help you?" The receptionist asked, with the fakest smile on her face. It was obvious she has somewhere else to be. "Do you know if anyone else was pulled out of the arena?" I asked, trying not to push her buttons. "Down the hall on your left.." She mumbled, returning back to whatever she was doing. I walked down the hall, turning left just as she said. That's when I saw it. The impact of what happened. I walked through the hallway, seeing all the fans with burns, broken legs. I couldn't take it. I turned around, running back towards where everyone was. "Justin's awake.." Pattie whispered, looking towards his door. I rushed into the door...

I looked around the unfamiliar room, feeling a sharp pain in my chest. "Relax Mr Bieber.." I looked up to see a doctor standing there, smiling down at me. It took me a while to realise what happened. The explosion. Tuka. Where is she? "Where's-" As if almost on cue she rushed through the door, running to my side. "Tuka, your... Your legs..." I whispered, looking down at her leg. "Don't worry about me.. What about you?" She huffed, her chest rising and falling quickly. "I'm okay" I smiled, running my hands down her cheek. "I thought I lost you.." she cried into her hands. "Come here..." I whispered, moving over so she could lay next to me. She resisted at first, but was soon climbing onto the bed. "I thought, when the monitor went... I thought that was it..." She sniffled, rubbing my chest softly. "But you didn't... You wanna know what brought me back? What happened while I was in a coma?" I whispered, running my hands through her hair. "Okay..."She nodded, waiting for me to continue. "I.. When I was out? I saw my whole life flash before me, when we hated each other, to our first kiss, then I saw something else, something that didn't involve my past.. If anything it looked liked the future. You were there, with two little children, a boy and a girl, you were pregnant with another... I thought you were so happy, so content.. Then I realised, you were still mine, I was married to you... That's what brought me back, knowing that I still had a future left with you.." I mumbled, kissing the top of her head before waiting for her to speak. "I love you, so much...." She whispered, kissing my lips softly. "You're walking.." I smiled, remembering she ran through the door. "Only just, I've gotta have the doctors move one of my muscles..." She sighed, running her finger over my crown tattoo. "I wanna get a tattoo... Like this one, but a Queens crown... In the same place..." She trailed off, keeping her eyes fixed on my chest. "That can be arranged...." I smirked, watching her stare intently. "You wouldn't mind?" She looked up, looking into my eyes. "Of course not.." I smiled, kissing the top of her nose. "Miss? We need you for your operation..." The doctor mumbled, ruining the moment. "Ill be here when you get back.." I smiled, kissing the top of her head before watching her walk out. I sat there, thinking about everything that had happened. That could of been her, with the cement on her chest. It could of been me with the damaged leg, walking the next day. But it wasn't, and I'm glad it wasn't. i don't know what I'd do if I lost her. She's everything I've always wanted, always needed...
*1 week later*

Justin was soon back home after being in hospital for almost a week. He's had to postpone so many shows that they've decided to cancel the whole tour. Tuka is back to normal, still a few bruises here and there. The police investigated the bombing, only to find it was someone who really hated Justin. He's been put away fro attempted murder on more than on occasion. Tuka and Justin are closer than ever, each of them helping with whatever they need. If Tuka needed some ice cream, Justin will go get it. If Justin needed candy, Tuka will go and collect it. They now work as a team. With Justin's thoughts of growing old with Tuka, he's arranged something special for their one year anniversary. He just hopes, its everything she wants..

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