Chapter Eight

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"Justin.... I..." I was lost for words. Should I give him another chance? Or will he ruin it? Wait... Za wants me to give Justin a chance, so I guess it wouldn't hurt right? "Tuka, I know I hurt you in the past.. I just... I want you, as a friend? Please.." He pleaded, holding my hand. In that moment, sparks were flying through my body. What is happening? "Ill... Ill do it.." I smiled, pulling my hand away. "Tonight? After the show, you me dinner?" He suggested, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. "Sounds good.." I smiled turning on my heals only to be pulled back. "Thank you.." Justin whispered, kissing my cheek. I blushed slightly, turning on my heals once again to make my way back stage. Once I was back stage, Chaz ran towards me, with... Flowers? "Hey, Tuka... Urm, I was wondering if.. You wanted to go to dinner tonight?" Oh no, no no no no no! This can't happen. "Urm... I'm actually busy..." I mumbled, looking towards the floor. "O-Oh.. W-With who?" He stuttered. I sighed, "Justin.." I whispered, avoiding eye contact. "I... I hope it goes well.." He shrugged, chucking the flowers in the bin. "Look Chaz I'm sorry.. I... I need.. I need to give him a chance.." Tears were falling from my eyes, people were rushing around, not that I cared. I just don't wanna loose my friend. "You know what? I hope he's worth it.." He spat, walking away in anger. Quiet sobs made their way out from my throat. I slid down the wall, hugging my knees tightly. I just watched one of my friend walk out of my life, and its all my fault. "Tuka? Tuka hunny, come here.." A soft woman like voice softly rang through my ears. I looked up to see Pattie standing there. We've always had this amazing friendship. She held out her hand, which I took. "What's wrong?" She asked, heading over to the sofa. "I..I gave Justin another chance.." I whispered, my legs shaking slightly. "That's good right?" She asked, chuckling slightly. "I guess.. Chaz doesn't seem to think so..." I shrugged. She shook her head. "You deserve the best okay? If Justin wants to make it up to you? He really means it.." She mumbled standing up. "come on, lets get you ready for this date okay?" Date? 

"THANK YOU BELIEBERS GOOD NIGHT!" I ran off stage, heading straight for my dressing room. I showered and found something smart to wear. Once I was satisfied I made my way outside. I looked up to see Tuka standing there, in a small purple dress. Her hair was curled and she wore minimal make-up. "You look... Amazing.." I whispered, holding my hand out for her to take. She blushed "Thank you.." She took my hand and we made our way to my car. 
We finally made it to the restaurant and things have been going good so far. "What can I do for you today Mr Bieber?" The waitress smiled. "Urm, table for two please?" I smiled, trying my best to ignore all the papz outside. "Here.." She walked over to a quiet corner, a candle lit table and a bottle of wine stood before us. "Thanks.." I mumbled, walking over to pull Tuka's chair out. "For ma lady." I smirked, helping her sit down. "Thank you.." She giggled, looking around the place. "So... Am I as bad as you thought?" I smirked opening the wine. "hmm... Nah... You're a lot worse.." She teased, biting her lip. "Okay, so, what do you look for in a guy?" I asked her, pouring her a glass. "Well, He's gotta be funny, cute, caring... Ya know? Perfect?" She blushed. I chuckled deeply. "What about you.. What do you look for in a girl?" She smirked taking a sip of her wine. You. Well, that's what I want to say. "Urm, Funny? Amazing... Beautiful.. "I trailed off, taring at her features. Not a trace of flaws. She was flawless. Amazing. "Well, we better get back huh?" Tuka said breaking the silence. I pay'd for our food and headed towards the car. We drove back to the hotel and I walked her to our room. She walked into the living room, in her PJ's. "Tuka? You know I'm sorry about everything right? I mean I shouldn't of-" She smashed her lips onto mine. Sparks and fireworks flying everywhere. "You need to learn when to stop saying sorry, night Justin.." She whispered, walking into her room, leaving me stuck in one place. Wow

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