Chapter Thirty Three

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We rushed through the huge crowd of people, trying to get home on time. The trafic on the way wasn't exactly helping either. "This is sods law.." Za mumbled, tightening his grip on the steering wheel. "We'll get there..." I sighed only hoping that was true. I just wanna know whether he has it or not, so we can either sort it out or just relax like it was nothing. We finally reached our house, shutting off the engine Za was the first out the car. We walked through the house, only hearing the TV ring in the background. "Dad?" I called out, walking upstairs. "In here sweetie!" He called from what sounded like his bedroom. I walked in, only seeing his stuff around the room, I frowned, wondering where all mums stuff is. "Where's mum?" I asked, sitting on the bed, waiting for him to answer. "She's gone, left.. She um, she cheated on me.." And right then, was when I first saw my dad breakdown and cry. I never thought I'd ever see my dad cry until he was on his death bed. But here he is now, crying right infront of me. "Dad... If she cheated on you she wasn't worthy of your love.. Come on, lets go grab ourselves some good news.." I whispered, smiling weakly as I helped him down the stairs. "Lets go.." Za smiled, walking towards the car. This is the moment that chooses our dads future. If he doesn't have it, he can move on, move on from mum and find himself a proper woman, well, either way he can find himself a nice bird. But if he has it? We can sort out everything from there. We walked through the hospital, trying to find the right room we needed to go to. "Hi, take a seat.." The doctor smiled, clicking onto something on his computer screen before turning to us. "How are you feeling today?" he asked my dad, still keeping the same smile on his face. My dad just nodded, waiting for the doctor to continue. "Oh right your test results.." He chuckled. Is he serious right now? I looked towards Za, who was looking exactly how I was feeling, furious. "You show no signs of Cancer... You're going to be okay.." The doctor smiled even more, if that was even possible. I felt a rush of tears run down my face. He doesn't have it. I'm not going to loose my dad. Oh my. "Dad.." I cried, falling into his arms. "come on tour with me and Justin.." I offered, smiling through the tears. He just nodded, unable to say anything. He's not leaving me.

I rushed towards the airport, as soon as Tuka sent me a message saying she was coming back. That's good right? It means there's nothing wrong? I sat in my seat, my knee bobbing in anticipation. "She'll be fine.." Fredo mumbled, patting me on the back. I just nodded, looking straight towards the gate. I know its only been about a day and a half, but I missed Tuka so much. Its like, when she's not here, I can't breathe without her, think without her. I can't do anything. So just knowing she's gonna be back right now is a relief. People started to flood through the gates, checking in before walking away. I stood up, trying to see if she was walking through. That was until my phone rang."Hello?" I kept looking towards the gate. "Wrong gate doofus.." Her voice, her soft voice and giggled rang through the phone. I shook my head, chuckling to myself. "Where are you?" I smiled through the phone, feeling instantly happy. "Behind you.." She whispered, cutting off the phone. I placed my phone back into my pocket, turning around to see her standing right behind me. I smiled, picking her up and spinning her around,just like in one of those romantic movies? "I missed you.." I murmured, running my hands through her hair. "I missed you too... Dad hasn't got cancer.. And he's come with us.. I hope you don't mind.." she bit her lip, looking up at me with her puppy like eyes. "Of course!" I smiled, walking over towards her dad to great him. "Hey.." I smiled, placing my hand out for him to shake. "Hi son, you been treating my daughter well?" He smirked, jokingly. "Of course.." I smiled, wrapping my arm around Tuka's waist. "So, what's on the agenda tonight?" Tuka asked, picking up her bag, which I took straight out of her hands. "I was thinking we could celebrate.."

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