Chapter Twenty Five

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*warning: This chapter has sexual content*

"Justin what's going on?" Mum asked as soon as I stepped onto the bus. I shook my head, falling onto the sofa next to her. "I did something stupid.. Like really stupid..." I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration. "Whatever it is, you better sort it.." She sighed, hopping out the door of the bus. I walked towards my bedroom door, knocking lightly before walking inside. "Tuka?" I whispered, looking around the room. There was a lump in the covers, indicating she was asleep. I walked over to her, stroking the top of her head. Her face was tear stained, her eyes were red, as well as her nose. She'd been crying? I sighed, shaking her lightly. She frowned slightly, fluttering her eyes open. "Justin?" She groaned sleepily. I smiled weakly, sitting beside her. "I'm sorry Tuka. I've let you down.. I didn't mean to.. I don't- I don't even know why I did it in the first place..." I sighed, stroking her hair. "Why? Why didn't you just tell me what was going on?" She chocked, tears falling down her face. To be honest, I don't know why I never went to her. "I.. I don't know.. Baby I swear to you it won't happen again.." I felt tears sting the side of my eyes before trailing down my cheek. "You just.. You need to think about what you're doing to your body Justin.. You could die, loose fans, get bad reviews... All of it effects everything you've ever known... I just... I don't want you to end up like that.." She mumbled, tracing the tattoos on my arms. "I promise you, I won't baby.... I won't do it again.." I whispered, kissing the top of her head. "I'm sorry I over reacted... I just.. I didn't need you doing it ya know? My brother already does it... Its not good for you." She mumbled, looking up at me. I kissed her nose softly, making her scrunch her face up. "I won't do it again.."

Maybe there was something in the air tonight, or maybe it was the fact that me and Justin had a fight, something we haven't had in a while. But, when he walked in, making sure I was okay. It made me realise something. It made me realise that he cares. The fact that he showed so much guilt in his eyes, the fact that he shed tears in front of me means he really, truly means he's sorry. Maybe it was something in the air tonight. Because as soon as we cheered up, wiped away all the tears, and regret. We made the best kind of love. Full of passion and love. The careful, caring type of love, where you take it slow, making sure to love every piece of each others bodies. It wasn't fast, or needy. It was... Amazing. Like how you see it in movies? Where they make love, slowly and meaningfully. It was like, that moment in time? Belonged to us, that it was made for us. Nothing else mattered. "Tuka..." Justin mumbled, his hand trailing up and down my arm. "Hmm?" I hummed back, too tired to answer properly. "I never thought, in a million years that I'd be here, right now, like this with you.." He mumbled, moving his hand from my arm, to my hair. "and I never thought, in a million years, I'd love someone like you, the way I do.." I smiled, kissing his chest lightly. "After everything with Selena, and the fact that I 'Hated you' I thought I'd never love again... Not the way I love you anyway..." He murmured, leaning down before planting a kiss on my lips. "I love you, so much..." I whispered, deepening the kiss. He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me on top of him. I giggled slightly at his actions. "You know, you look good from this angle.." Justin smirked, giving my bum a slight smack. "Well its a shame we've already finished.. Ya know.." I trailed off, trying not to embarrass myself. He chuckled slightly, making me jump on his chest. "You know.. There's always round 2..." He smirked, flipping us over. I blushed, running my hands through his hair. "I don't think Ill be able to handle it.." I winked. He rolled his eyes playfully before kissing down my stomach, towards where I need him the most. "Justin..."

*Next day*

"JUSTIN" I shouted, running out the bus. He'd just put a whole bucket of cold water above my head so when I woke up it fell on me. I could hear his soft giggles coming from inside the other bus, the bus with all the adults. I walked onto the bus quietly, telling everyone to not tell him I was here. I looked at Pattie, her finger pointing to one of the bedrooms. I smirked, opening the door slowly, Pattie called out, making Justin think it was her. "Yeh?" He answered, moving in front of the door only to see me standing there. "Shit.. "He smirked, rubbing the back of his head. I smirked, tackling him to the floor before pining him down and tickling him. "Say you're sorry" I giggled, wiggling my fingers up and down his sides. "I.. I Can't!" He shouted between fits of laughter. "Say 'Tuka is the most sexiest girl ever' So everyone can hear!" I smirked, digging my fingers in even more. He let out a huge rumble of laughter, tears running down his face. "TUKA IS THE MOST SEXIEST GIRL EVER AND SHE'S MINE!" He shouted, taking a huge deep breath as I stopped tickling him. "Good.." I smirked, hovering my lips over his before planting a kiss on his cheek, earning a groan. "You're so mean.." He whined, getting up off the floor. I chuckled slightly, making my way out the us, back onto ours. "Says you... Who chucks water at their girlfriend?" I winked, walking into the bedroom, grabbing my suit case before walking out again. "I do, because you know... Who wouldn't want to see their girlfriend soaking wet in the morning?" He smirked. I scoffed, smacking his chest playfully. "Shut it Bieber... I need a shower when we get inside that hotel.." I whined, walking into the lobby. 

I made my way to the stage, feeling the adrenaline run through my body. Everyone was so hyped, so excited. The fans finally get to see someone who've they've been waiting for, for most of their life. I'm gonna make their dream come true. Me. I looked around, seeing everyone talking, occasionally turning to me, smiling. I looked around even more, noticing someone who I've never seen before. He was holding a big bag, placing it behind the stage. "Excuse me.." I mumbled, walking over to him. "N-Nothing, just doing my job sir.." He stuttered, growing very small under me. "What's in the bag?" I asked, looking over his shoulder. "I don't know, I just do as I'm told and get out.." He mumbled, sweat dripping from his forehead. I chuckled slightly, moving out of his way before walking over to the bag. I opened it, only to see it was full of polystyrene. "You can go.." I mumbled, dropping the bag before making my way to the stage. Tuka was stood there, waiting for me to walk over to her. I ran over, picking her up before spinning her around. "I love you.." I smiled, kissing the tip of her nose. "I love you too..." I dropped her on the floor gently, before walking onto the stage. The crowd was screaming, calling my name. "Hey what's up guys?" I asked, hearing the screams getting louder. I continued talking to the crowd, that was until I heard a high pitch scream. "JUSTIN!" I looked backstage, seeing Tuka run over to me. She reached me, just in time before a huge force pushed us across the stage. A loud crash and screams rang through my ears. I felt my body hit something, Tuka still by my side. "Justin!" She shouted, looking up. I looked up, seeing the ceiling collapse on us. "I love-"

TURN TO YOU~ Justin Bieber Love Story*completed*Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin