Chapter Forty One

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We finally arrived at the hotel, dropping our stuff off before making our way to the arena. I still haven't spoken to Tuka, I don't want to just in case I flip at her, and we wouldn't want that would we? I walked through the arena, watching everyone run around making sure everyone is in the right place tonight. Its amazing how many people actually get hired to do this. Make sure that my safety comes first. "Justin?" I turned around to see Tuka standing there, looking down at my feet. I sighed, running my hands through my hair. "Now isn't a good time.." I mumbled, walking towards her. "When will be a good time for you huh Justin? When you're tired later on and just fall asleep? There will never be a good time!" She snapped, storming towards me. I put my hands up in surrender, stepping backwards slightly. "What's up with you?" I hissed, dropping my hands slowly down by my sides, clenching my fists. "What's wrong with me? Justin what the hell is wrong with you! You haven't spoken to me since we got of that God damn plane! I don't get what I've done to deserve this right now!" She screamed, tears finally running down her face. "Selena.." I whispered, looking down towards my feet. I heard her let out a frustrated groan, running her hands through her hair. "how many times do I have to tell you... Ignore her!" She shouted, throwing her hands up in the air. "Its not as easy as you think.." I mumbled, turning on my heals before making my way to my dressing room. I just need to get through tonight.


I sighed in frustration, watching him walk away from me. I don't get what Selena has done to make him like this. I just don't. I sat on the sofa, waiting for someone to talk to. I looked towards the back door, watching it open and close. I looked up even further, only to see Selena walking through with a smile on her face. I rolled my eyes, watching her walk my way. "Justin spoken to you yet?" She asked, sitting beside me. "No, whatever you've said Selena I suggest you leave him alone got it?" I hissed, watching her face fall as she looked at the ring on my finger. "You're engaged?" She gasped, covering her mouth with her hand as tears ran down her face. All I could do was nod, watching her as she went from sad to angry in a matter of seconds. "This can't be happening, Tuka he cheated on you!" She shrieked, causing people to look our way. I shook my head, chuckling coldly. "you don't understand do you Selena?" I mumbled, clenching my jaw tight. "he cheated and now you're getting married. Are you stupid?" She shouted, causing me to jump slightly. "Maybe I am. But you know what? Nothing you say is going to stop this!" I hissed, watching a smirk play on her lips. "That's what you think, but the second I play with his mind, he'll be back here, with me..." She whispered in my ear, before heading back towards the door she came through, causing my blood to boil. I can't believe she'd do something like that... 

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