Chapter Ten

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"Tuka, will you be my girlfriend?" It was as almost as if he didn't say it. Everything was a blur. I couldn't speak, I couldn't move. I was stuck. Frozen on the spot. I slowly nodded my head, before opening my mouth and stuttering out the words. "Y-Yes... Yes I W-Will.." I looked up to see Justin, his smile was bigger than usual, his eyes were brighter than usual. The crowd screamed and roared. "Thank you..." He whispered, before pulling me into a hug. He lifted me up, spinning me around before crashing his lips onto mine. He turned towards the crowd. "I know you guys wish that was you... I'm sorry that it isn't. This doesn't change anything. Ill still do stuff with you. Just spend time with her.." That's when I cut him off. There is no way I'm getting between him and his fans. "Guys, I know you probably hate me right now.... But... I'm not gonna take Justin away from you, Ill make sure he tweets everyday just for you guys, if I have to push him out the door to meet some of you guys outside? Ill do that... You want him to follow you? Ill steal his phone and follow you.. I don't want to be that girlfriend who doesn't allow her boyfriend to do anything... I'm different. I know what you guys mean to him..." I mumbled the last bit, making my way back stage. Everyone smiling as I sat on the sofa, beside Za. "So... What's it like having a boyfriend finally?" He smirked nudging me. "I don't know... What if I do something wrong? I've never had..." I stopped mid-sentence. Thing is, I've never actually had a boyfriend. What if I don't wanna do something? Will Justin leave me? "Tuka? We need to go to the bus..." Za mumbled, pulling me off the sofa. We hopped on the bus and I jumped straight onto the sofa, curling up my body. "Look, Tuka? If... If you don't wanna do something? That Justin wants to do? Just say no. I know he'll pester you but... Just tell him no...." He mumbled, rubbing my back. "What if he realises I'm not good enough?" I whispered, over thinking. Za sighed and was just about to say something when Justin walked onto the bus. He got up and walked over to one of the bunks. "you okay?" Justin mumbled, lifting my head up so I could rest it on his lap. "Yeh its just.... I've never..." I sighed in frustration. Justin chuckled deeply. "You've never had a boyfriend yes?" He asked stroking my hair. I nodded my head. "I don't care, I'm not gonna pressure you into anything, Okay baby?" He whispered, leaning down to plant a small kiss on my forehead. "Sorry..." I chuckled, sitting up. "Its okay, just... Tell me okay?" I hugged him tightly before making my way to find somewhere to sleep. "Not there princess!" Justin shouted and I tried to get into the bunk above my brother. I gave him a confused look. He pointed towards the door behind me which read 'Bieber's room'. I shook my head smiling. "Justin..." I whined, running over to him. "Yes?" He laughed, pouring a glass of water. "Its your room..." I whined. He placed his glass down and grabbed hold of my hand, leading us to his room. "Look.." He whispered, opening the door. All our stuff was in there. The pillows had our names on. I gave Justin a questioning look. "It took a lot of persuading but... I did it.." He blushed, sitting on the bed. "This is amazing..." I smiled, laying beside him. "Thank you.." He whispered, stroking my cheek. "For what?" I giggled. "For saying yes.." He whispered before kissing me. I... I think.. I think I love him.

"Okay... Who was your celebrity crush?" I asked Tuka. Its now 3 in the morning and we haven't stopped talking. "Hmm... I think it was... Ryan Gosling?" She blushed slightly. "What about you?" She asked, poking my sides. "urm... Beyonce?" I said in a 'duh' tone. She chuckled hiding her face. "Baby don't hide your face.." I said in a childish voice. She giggled and removed her hands from her face. "Justin..." She whispered, staring into my eyes. "Yes?" She took a deep breath. "Why did you choose me?" She whispered, playing with my fingers. "Because.. you're beautiful and a whole lot better than I thought you were..." I mumbled, pulling her close to my chest. See, I never thought I'd fall in love with someone who.. Well who I use to hate. Sometimes you fall in love with someone you'd never thought you would. "Lets get some sleep.." Tuka mumbled, closing her eyes. I layed there, admiring her features. She's so beautiful. 

I woke the next morning to hear shouting. I looked to my side to see Tuka wasn't there. "I DON'T WANT TO GO!" I heard a familiar voice shout. What? I chucked on some sweats and made my way out. "You have to Tuka... Mum isn't well you know what!" Za shouted. Tuka was sat on the sofa, her head in her hands, tears falling down her face. "What's going on?" I hissed, sitting beside Tuka. "Mums ill so we need to go home and help dad.." Za sighed in frustration. "Tuka... You need to go.." I mumbled, knowing that everything was great, until now. "I don't wanna leave you.." She chocked, standing up. "don't... Don't put me before your family... Just go.." I whispered, avoiding eye contact. "Justin!" She shouted, trying to get me to look at her. "Just go Tuka! Your family needs you for God sake!" I shouted, clenching my fists. "Tuka just go get packed.." Za mumbled, pushing her towards our bedroom. "I hate you..." She mumbled, looking towards me. That hurt. I sighed, running my hands through my hair. "Thanks bro.." Za patted me on the back. "At the end of the day your family needs you, I'm not getting in the way of that... Tuka's better off without me for a while.." I shrugged, feeling the bus come to a stop. I opened the door and made my way to Scooter. "Justin everything okay?" He asked, smiling. "Me and Tuka? We aren't... She has to go help her family so... Could you maybe... Tell her? And.. Say I couldn't do it because... Because I love her?" I chocked, feeling tears come to my eyes. "of course.." he whispered, patting me on the back. I don't want to loose her, but I have to let her go.

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