Chapter Forty Eight

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"You need to do this okay?" Justin whispered, handing me my coat. Turns out Scooter was taking me out for a coffee today, to 'try and get to know me more' I wasn't too sure about it myself but Justin says otherwise. I'm not too sure on how this whole thing is going to work out, but it'll be for the best right? After everything that happened yesterday I finally decided it wasn't right to hurt myself because of something someone else said. I should just ignore what they say and listen to others around me. Justin supports me of course, and makes sure I don't get off track. "You'll be fine, just go.." Justin smiled, kissing the top of my head as I walked out of the hotel room. I took the lift down to the lobby, seeing Scooter standing there waiting for me. I smiled slightly, watching him breathe in deeply before opening the door for me. "So, where to?" I asked, trying my best not to get on his bad side right now. Its weird really, how I have to talk to Scooter to see if I'm good enough, usually its their parents.. Right? "Costa?" He smiled, taking hold of my arm as we battled our way through the paparazzi, I don't understand why he did that, I could of walked through them by myself. As we finally arrived we found our seats in the corner, sitting opposite each other. I asked for a Late, and Scooter asked for the same. "So, first things first.. I'm just gonna cut to the chase.. Why did you cut?" His question flowed off his lips like they didn't mean a thing. A huge lump started to form in my throat as I tried to find the words to reply. Just as I was about to say something, our coffees got handed to us, breaking the silence. "You don't have to explain in detail.." Scooter mumbled, staring down at his coffee. I took a deep breath, trying to fix my eyes on something around the room other than his eyes. "I.. I got hate... People telling me to die.. I-The cutting? It helped for a while, took away the pain, almost like drinking?" I chuckled coldly, hearing Scooter sigh in front of me. "I thought maybe if I did it, it'll make things better.. But it didn't did it? And now I'm left with the scars which remind me everyday of the things I went through.." I felt a tear run down my face, which was soon wiped away by the pad of someone's thumb. I looked up to see Scooter staring at me, sympathy in his eyes. I smiled weakly, only to get one in return. "If I knew things were that bad.. I wouldn't of said those things.. You know that right?" He mumbled, holding onto my hand tightly, then I knew that moment he truly meant it. He was sorry, even if he didn't say it. "I know.. Its fine.. Its in the past" I smiled widely, finishing my coffee before tucking my chair in, kissing Scooters cheek before waiting outside. Its weird how things have worked out right now, I was expecting him to judge me, to tell me how stupid I was. Instead he understood me, and we moved on. "You know, there's this really cool sweet shop down the road, wanna check it out?" He smirked, nudging me slightly, making me giggle. "Lets go!"


They've been gone for about 4 hours now, and honestly? I was a nervous wreck. I didn't know what to think. What if Scooter actually hates Tuka, then what? I can't ditch my manager, or my girlfriend. It wouldn't be fair at all. I was just about to go out myself to find them when I heard Tuka's laugh from down the hall, she's laughing? I frowned slightly, opening the door to see Tuka and Scooter laughing and joking with each other. I was confused, but I couldn't complain, they were getting along just fine. I smiled, watching them in awe as they nudged and pushed each other down the hall. "Having fun?" I smirked, watching them stop dead in their tracks. "We didn't buy any sweets.." Tuka said quickly, trying her hardest not to laugh. Honestly, I've never seen her so hyper, or happy before. I shook my head, watching her take something out of her bag, before shovelling it into her mouth. "I think its time to pack Tuka, Ill see you later?" Scooter smiled, hugging her tightly before walking down the hall. Tuka rushed inside, packing her stuff quickly before laying on the bed, fiddling with her fingers. "What did Scooter do to my girlfriend?" I smirked, kissing her softly. "Lets go.."

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