Chapter Fifty One

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I watched as everyone walked past us, saying 'sorry this happened' 'hopefully another time yeah?' I couldn't believe what happened today. I sat beside Tuka, seeing her beautiful white dress covered in leaves and bits of the gravel outside. You'll get there one day Justin.." Mum mumbled from beside me, collecting up the ribbon that was wrapped around each carriage. I just sighed, watching Tuka, as she stood from her place, making her way over to Za. I saw how broken she is, how she carries herself around, its almost as if she blames herself. I looked towards the door, seeing Paul and Tuka's mum arguing, Mark was sat by the door on the floor, his face all busted up. "It'll take time Justin... Her past just crept up on her.." Mum carried on, sitting beside me. I just shook my head, running my hands through my hair. "Its not fair, this happens all the time mum.." I explained, looking up to see Tuka crying once more. Whatever history she has had with Mark, it clearly wasn't a very good one either. I stood up from my place, walking over to the spot where Mark was sat. "Get up!" I hissed, pulling him up from his spot before pushing him outside. He groaned slightly as I slammed him against the wall. "You better have an explanation as to why you pulled my fiancée out of that church and hit her!" I spat, punching him in the stomach. He groaned, clutching onto his side. "We dated, a few years back.. At first everything was great, until she got herself a best guy friend.. I just flipped I guess.." He shrugged, holding his hands against his stomach. "You just flipped you guess? No man just flips at a girl!" I mumbled, running my hands through my hair. "She deserved it... She deserves everything that's coming to her.." He hissed, standing up straight this time. I frowned, snapping my head up in his direction. "Why?" I mumbled, watching him as he shrugged. "She turned everyone against me.." He mumbled, his fists clenching as he threw them at the wall. "I think you did that yourself.."I mumbled, making my way back inside. "She'll ruin you.." He shouted, as I closed the door behind me. I chuckled slightly, shaking my head as I walked over to Tuka.


"You know it'll get easier..." Za mumbled, stroking my face with his hand. I just shook my head, running my hands through my now ruined hair. "It always comes creeping up on me... Everything he did Za, will always be there.." I mumbled numbly, watching him shake his head. "It won't if I have anything to do with it.." I turned around to see Justin standing there, smirking slightly. "I think we need to talk?" He suggested, grasping hold of my hand before pulling be towards the back of the church, away from everyone else. I knew that one day I'd have to tell him about my past, sometimes I try my best to stay away from the subject, which is one of the reasons as to why Za and my dad are to protective over me. A lot of things happened one year, all too fast for my liking. "I use to date Mark a few years ago. A year before I met you actually, he seemed so nice.. But things started to move fast, and by the summer I had already moved in with him. That's when... When the violence started. He started to drink, he started to get nasty and soon his family hated him. But he'd blame it on me, tell me it was all my fault. He stopped me from seeing my family, and it wasn't until he chucked me down the stairs Christmas Eve, I realised I made the wrong mistake. We argued Christmas morning and I ended up just walking out, leaving everything behind, all my clothes, pictures,everything. I ended up back on my dads doorstep, bruises and cuts over my body Christmas day... I never saw him since then.." I whispered, watching Justin's face fall by each word I said. He didn't say anything though, he just wrapped his arms around me, kissing my cheek softly. "I promise you, that as long as I am around, there will be no reason to see that bastard again.." Justin promised, running his hands over my face. "Now, I think we have a church to clean up huh?" He joked, kissing my lips softly. "What now?" I whispered, running my hands through his hair, tugging slightly. "Well, we could have a winter wedding?" He suggested, making my heart flutter. "That gives us more time to plan the whole day, make sure everything is perfect this time..." He trailed off, planting his lips against mine. "I love you Justin.. So much.."

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