Chapter Fifty

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"Tuka, you ready?" Pattie asked, walking through the door. I nodded, taking my eyes away from myself in the mirror. Today was the big day, something I've been waiting for since I was a little girl, but there was something in my gut that told me today wasn't going to go as planned. What if Justin doesn't want this? Or I freak out and run out the church? I shook the thoughts out of my head, walking outside to see my dad standing there waiting for me. He turned towards me, his mouth open wide. "you look so beautiful" He smiled, taking my arm in his. We walked through the hallways, seeing Pattie and Jazzy behind me in their dresses. We arrived outside the door, my nerves were running high as they cracked open, causing everyone's eyes to be glued on me. My hands were shaking, and my breath was fast. I tried my best to not look up, stopping myself from fainting. But as I did, I was met with the face of an angel. He smiled back at me, holding his hand out for mine. My dad passes me over, kissing my cheek as he walked over to the side. "We are gathered here to day, to bring together Tuka and Justin.." The vicar started, causing Justin to squeeze my hand. I let out a slow, shaky breath as I heard him ramble on. "Anyone who has a reason why these two should not be married, speak now or forever hold your peace.." The church went silent for about a second, everyone listening out for anything. "Just get in there!" I heard a woman shout from outside and I knew exactly who it was. As the doors flung open, my mum and my ex boyfriend Mark rushed through the doors. Za was by my side in a second, dad in front with Justin and Fredo. I stumbled backwards, seeing Mark push his way past Fredo and Justin, pushing my dad out the way before throwing a punch at Za, sending him backwards. "You're mine.." He hissed, grabbing my arm tightly before pulling me towards the church doors. I tried to grab hold of anything, or anyone. I looked up, seeing Fredo sit my mum down while Justin, Za and dad tried to push past everyone. Mark shoved me against the cold hard wall, running his hands over my cheeks. Flash backs of before running through my head.
"Fucking slut!" Mark hissed, throwing his fist against me face before chucking me down the stairs. I looked up, seeing him run towards me, my head felt light as I slipped into darkness.
"M-Mark don't!" I pleaded, wriggling under his grip. He chuckled coldly, clenching his fist before connecting it with my face, sending me towards the gravel floor. "I suggest, you end it with pretty boy in there, or else you won't be the only one hurt!" He hissed, kicking me in the side. I groaned loudly, clutching my side. Get away from her!" I heard Za shout, rushing over towards us. I looked up, seeing Za swing for Mark, but miss as Mark threw a punch back. I closed my eyes, hugging my knees tightly against my chest. "Tuka.." I looked up to see Pattie running my way, mum right behind her. "Get off my daughter!" Mum shouted, pushing Pattie towards the ground. I felt dizzy, my head started to spin as I fell towards the ground, darkness surrounding me.

I saw Mark rush out with Tuka after he threw a punch at Za. I went to run after him, but her dad stopped me. "He's a dangerous man son... He could kill anyone.." He warned, holding his hand against my chest. I was itching to get outside, seeing Za, mum and Tuka's mum rush outside I decided I needed to go. I grabbed Fredo running outside behind Paul. I rushed outside, seeing mum on the floor while Tuka's mum was trying to wake her up, Mark on top of Za, throwing punch after punch. I looked at Fredo who nodded slightly before running over to Tuka, pulling her out of her mums grip. I charged towards Mark, tackling him towards the floor. He sat back up, throwing a punch towards me. I dodged, chucking one at him. He fell towards the ground, giving me enough time to pick Za up onto his feet.Paul rushed over, taking Za from me, telling me to go help mum. I ran over to mum, pulling her onto her feet. "Tuka needs you Justin.." She whispered, pushing me away from her. It wasn't until reality hit me, when the police turned up, arresting Mark and taking Tuka's mum that I realized what had happened. Our day, our special day, ruined. I walked over to Fredo, who was sat on the bench wit Tuka, watching her come around. She had a huge bruise on her face. "Tuka?" I chocked, tears running down my face. She looked up, wrapping her arms around my neck as she let out a loud sob. "Why does everything always turn out bad?" She chocked, running her hands through her hair. "We'll move the date.. It'll be better next time I promise.." I whispered, picking her up bridal style before walking inside the church. Everyone's eyes were on us as we sat at the back, waiting for things to be cleared up. Its like we can't even be happy for one day without things going badly. "Za?" Tuka gasped watching her brother walk through her door. His face was blood stained and his eye was swollen and black. "Its okay, not the first time.." He joked, hugging her tightly. "I'm sorry you had to go through that again..." 

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