Chapter Twenty One

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TUKA'S P.O.V (1 week later)

"Tuka!" Fredo whined for the hundredth time already. I dragged him out shopping with me, partly because I needed help, but because I knew he'd give me an honest opinion. "What?" I chuckled, placing down another dress. "He's gonna love you even if you wore a bin bag.." He smirked, walking over to pick up a small white dress. Justin decided he wanted to take me out tonight, for a little 'get together' with his family. Its not like I've never met his family. I have, loads of times. But this time, it'll be in a controlled environment, something I hate. "I'm not trying to impress Justin... Its his family.."I sighed, looking at the dress he was holding. Justin's grandparent aren't going tonight, turns out they couldn't get over in time. So its me, Justin, Pattie, Jeremy, Jazzy and Jaxon. No Erin. For some reason she didn't really wanna come. "Right, they wouldn't care what you turned up in.." Fredo shrugged, walking over to the counter. He paid the women and pulled me out the shop. "So, what do you want done first?" Fredo asked, walking towards the car. "My make-up, then we'll put the dress on, then hair.." I shrugged, stepping into the car. I'm so nervous.


"Hey guys!" I smiled as I greeted Justin's family. I sat down beside Justin. Everyone was sat around the table, laughing and joking. Jazzy was sat on my right while Jaxon was sat on Justin's left. "So Tuka, you feeling any better?" Jeremy asked, cutting up Jaxon's food. "A whole lot better thanks, I didn't really have that much wrong with me.."I chuckled nervously, feeling Justin's grip on my hand tighten. "Sorry to ask but.... What was it like?" He asked, earning a death glare from Pattie. I took a deep breathe, trying to remember what it was like.


"I honestly thought that when I was stuck in that room, with the smoke seeping in. I thought I was gonna die.. I thought, I'd never see my family again, my friends... Justin. It made me realise what I had to loose, and what I needed to hold onto.." Tuka mumbled, looking around the table to see everyone was staring at her. "That's so amazing.." Dad whispered, smiling slightly. "I think you're good for my son." He smiled, walking over to us, kissing Tuka on the cheek. "Thank you.." She smiled, helping Jazzy out her seat. "We're going back to ours, you guys coming?" I asked, putting some money on the table. "Yeh, and we'll pay." Dad smiled, pushing the money back at me. "Dad.." I whined, looking him in the eyes. "Justin, we're out like a normal family tonight, which means you're not using your fame money.." He smirked, taking my money and shoving it in my pocket. I love how my dad tries to make everything seem normal. Its kind of what I need now and then, a normal day, without papz, drama. "See you back at the house.." Dad smiled, walking over to his car. I opened the car door for Tuka, before walking over to my side. "Its weird to think I've already met your family, yet I was so nervous.." She chuckled, shaking her head. "I know but, they love you so... Its okay.." I chuckled, keeping my eye on the road. "So, what we doing when we get back?" Tuka asked, fiddling with the ends of her hair. "I was thinking, a few board games, a movie, loads of sweets..." I smirked, knowing her face would light up. "I love you, you know that right?" She giggled, nudging my arm. I pulled up at the house, running over to Tuka's side before locking the car. I picked her up and chucked her over my shoulder. "Nice ass Bieber.." She smirked, giving my bum a smack. I laughed loudly, smacking hers 10 times harder. "Watch it Bieber.." She hissed playfully. We both chuckled, opening the door to see everyone was already here. "Took your time.." Mum smirked, placing a few board games on the floor. "Sorry, lets get this started.." Tuka blushed. I love her.

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