Mr. Iplier

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~~3rd Person POV (I'm trying something new! XD)~~

Sean William McLoughlin had always been the badass in which ever school he went to. Sporting a black leather jacket, black sunglasses and neon green hair, he was a very attractive person. He didn't actually think much of himself. Although he was the sexy-nosebleed type-Sex God out of school, in class he was...well...sensible!

He knew every answer they shot at him in most subjects. Good at PE. Good at flirting too. But he was still so vulnerable. But one thing everyone knew:

Whatever Sean wanted...

He got...

Whether he wanted people to call him Jack or not to call him for being gay, everyone did what he said and whatever he wanted them to. Everyone volunteered, because he had authority. But that was his old school. Here, in St. Brooksford Preps, he was the newbie. New 17 year old bait...

"Hmm....6th period? Engineering with Mr. Iplier. Sounds awesomely easy..." he muttered to himself as he strolled down endless amounts of hallways. People analysed every part of him. Looking for flaws. But he was perfect in black skinny jeans, a black t-shirt and infamous leather jacket and glasses.

Pulling off the shades, he stopped outside a door. 7E/J. Time for the lesson to begin...

~~Jack's POV (Yes. Even I, da awesome author, have to call him dat too!)~~

I stroll in the small classroom. It looks like it could hold about five people. Yet they still managed to cram in 10! I was the last to take my seat, jacket off to give a good impression on these new teachers. I hope he's nice.

The cacophony of chat dies down as the teacher walks into the room. He's wearing a tight, white button-down shirt {that doesn't leave much to the imagination}, jeans that hug his amazing butt and legs. And his face...MY GOD! Perfect almond shaped eyes and complimenting cheek-bones, gorgeous teeth and floofy red hair.

I want him...

And what I want...

I get.

Even if I have to work my ass off for it.

"Hello class and people of other configurations. I am Mark Iplier and today we're going to learn abou- oh hello there...uh..." his chocolate eyes scan the register. "Sean McLoughlin I'm inclined to believe. Lovely to meet you, welcome to our crazy class!"

"It's actually Jack and uh...hi?"

"Well welcome 'Jack'. Now, do you know anything about how cars are made to use less fuel?" his eyebrow raises speculatively.

"When a car is made more streamlined it travels more efficiently. It travels, how per say...? Uh...quicker! This means that less fuel is needed to increase the speed of the car. This greatly preserves fuel. So, the more streamlined and complicated the outside of the car is, the more simple the fuel structure is. This means less fuel needed." The words roll off my tongue. We've done this before in my old school...

~~Mark's POV~~

The words seem to fall out of his pretty little mouth. It excites me when students talk nerdy to me (WHOEVER GETS THAT REFERENCE GETS MY HEART!!). Especially this one...

Gorgeous ocean blue eyes that I can see rolling into the back of his skull, amazing neon green hair that I can see my fingers clenched in and a thick Irish accent that I can hear screaming my name. Wait, I shouldn't be thinking this! Ugh...I'm so naughty!

"And h-how do you know this Se-Jack?"

"Becuz I've done this lame subject before. In primary school!" he rolls his aqua blue eyes.

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