The First Kiss

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~~3rd Person POV~~

Mark's tongue tingled with pleasant apprehension. So did his lips. And his lower abdomen. The tension between him and the other presence in the room was almost and very nearly pallable. Neither could tell whether the tension was a good tension or an anticipatory tension.

I don't think they minded.

Slowly edging nearer to each other, they each inhaled and exhaled heavy breaths. As if this situation was physically exhausting. I suppose it could be seen that way.

Aside from Mark, the other man was twice as nervous. Going by the name Jack, he had been dating his opposition for almost two months and that had never had their first kiss. Jack hadn't had a first kiss ever if he told the truth. He was rather scared about the whole thing. His OCD about hygine kind of ruined the whole kissing thing for him.

However, on the opposite hand, Mark had kissed many frogs in order to find his Prince. Who just so happened to be Jack . He was used to the romantic and amazing sensation that is and was kissing. But, this won't stop him from being extremely excited for his first ever kiss with his boyfriend.

Mark knew and understood Jack's rather repulsed feelings towards kissing and respected them fully. He didn't mind that he had to wait months to kiss him, this only made the idea of kissing him more intense and therefore the kiss itself would be too.

They had come so close many times before, but now it was certain for this to happen.

They leaned close enough for their top lips to brush together. They touched for a mere millisecond and even that made their senses heighten and cheeks heat up.

"Jack..." Mark whispered.

"I know...I'm sorry...just give me a second..." he whispered back.


Half a minute or so later, Jack took a slow deep breath and leaned in again. Mark caught on and leaned closer too.

The tension climaxed as they finally touched lips again. Mark kissing Jack's upper lip, with Jack kissing Mark's lower. They remained motionless for a few seconds before starting to move gently.

It started as a slow pull away and reattach before Mark slowly opened and closed his mouth the slightest bit. This caused Jack to shiver harshly and breathe out a sigh.

This was nothing like he had expected it to be. It was soft, nice. All of his trust was placed with Mark as explosive emotions fill him up. Wow...

Mark, on the opposite end of the kiss, was mind-blown. He had never expected Jack to go this far. All he wanted was a quick peck. Instead, he got a quite heated kiss.

They remained slowly moving against each other until Jack pulled away.

"Mark?" he barely spoke out. "That was..."



"I know..." Mark leaned forward and kissed his boyfriend's cheek. "I'm so proud of you!"

"C-Can we...can we do that again?" Jack asked, running a hand through his green locks.

"Yeah. C'mere babe," he pulls him in for a hug and mutters comforting and praising things into his ear before shifting his body to kiss Jack again.

Thanks for reading.
I thought this was really sweet and cute and I just really wanted to write that anyways. I promise the next chapter will be smut!
Love you guys!
Zak xx

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