I'm Sorry

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Hello everyone. This is Zak here.

Now before we start I just want to note that this was one of the most difficult things I have ever had to write (in line with my coming out letter and Irish essay).

Okay, I'm sorry to everyone that this hurts and makes upset. Trust me, I'm crying too.

I have decided that, although it was amazing fun while it lasted, I am going to stop the book.

I don't ship it anymore. Even though it used to be my fucking OTP there's just no way that I can write something that I don't ship anymore.

Amy and Signe are both amazing and beautiful people that make me so happy and I am happy for them and Jack and Mark. I seriously couldn't be happier for them and I hope they grow up and get married, have kids, an amazing life together.

What I'm trying to say is...this book is no longer going to be published. I'm sorry if this hurts anyone. I really am. I have moved on, found new ships (that are making my life more trash than it already is).

I am really sorry.

I don't mind if you hate comment, I understand if you're mad at me. I don't mind.

I don't know when I stopped shipping it. Probably half way through the 30 Day OTP Smut Challenge. I remembered feeling like what I was writing wasn't me. It wasn't who I am. Or who I was. I know it sounds silly but I felt like I was fake shipping something that will never happen, has have happened and probably won't even be shipped in a couple more months.

If you still ship them then good for you! Go out there and find better FanFiction writers that can supply you with content I couldn't and never will.

I'm also stopping this book due to personal issues and things going on at home. I'm having a hard time at school on top of all this. I couldn't write even if I wanted to.

I also want to add how fucking GRATEFUL I am to all of you for all the comments and votes and reads and support. When I started I remember getting ten reads and freaking out. Then 100...500...1K...2K...3K...4K...

Now we're on 4.73K and I couldn't thank you anymore. It means so much to me that you even read them, never mind enjoyed them.

Anyways, time to end this rant.

This book will stay up so that you can re-read them or whatever you wanna do with it. Thanks for reading, all of them.

bloody hell guys, we're now at 13K as of the 5th of June. WHAT? thank you!

Love you guys so much more than you think I do.

Zak xx

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