Episode 7

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~Thalia's POV~

We ran in to the school and we were pushing the doors when Scott began shouting:"Lock the doors! Lock the doors!" "Does it look like I have a key?",Stiles countered. "Grab something!,"Scott shouted. "Like what?!,"Stiles asked. "Anything!,"Scott shouted. Stiles then looked like he got an idea as he looked out the window of the door and saw the boltcutters and no alpha. Scott and I both told him not to but since when does Stilinski ever listen. Stiles just picked up the tool when the alpha appeared and me and Scott started shouting at him to hurry up. Stiles ran back in the school and locked the doors. "Where'd he go?,"Scott asked. We backed away from the doors when we didn't see it. "That's not gonna keep him out, is it?,"Scott asked. At the same time Stiles said:"Probably not." I said:"Definitely not."

We looked around trying to see where we could go but before we could decide a howl was heard through the school and we took off running. We entered a classroom and they started pushing the desk towards the door but Stiles stopped them:"Stop. Stop. The door won't hold it out forever." "I know,"Scott agreed. "It's your boss,"Stiles told him. "What?,"Scott asked. "Deaton. The alpha. Your boss,"Stiles explained to him. "No,"Scott disagreed. "Yes, murdering physco werewolf,"Stiles continued. "No that can't be,"Scott tried again. "Look, he disapears and that thing shows up ten seconds later and throws Derek ten feet in to the air.That's not convenient timing?,"Stiles asked. "It can't be him,"Scott protested. "He killed Derek,"Stiles persuaded and I had to choke back tears. "No Derek's not dead! He can't be,"Scott tried. "Blood spurted out of his mouth, okay? That doesn't qualify as a minor ingury he's dead and we're next!,"Stiles freaked out. "Shut up!,"I whisper shouted at them and they both turned to me as a tear escaped my eyes and I quickly wiped it away. There's no way I am crying in front of these idiots. "Okay... what do we do?,"Scott turned back to Stiles changing the subject as if that'll help. "We get to my jeep. We get outta here. You seriously think about quiting your job,"Stiles explained. They moved over towards the windows with me following as Scott tried to open them. "They don't open the school's climate controlled,"Stiles explained. "Then we break it,"Scott decided. "Which will make a lot of noise,"Stiles shot that idea down. "Then we run really, really fast!,"Scott decided. "Scott you can't run fast enough even with your new enhanced speed so how's Stiles supposed to get out fast enough?,"I asked knowing I was right Scott sighed. "As if you can run fast enough,"Stiles muttered clearly offended. "Actually she can. Derek said she's equaled to the alpha, maybe even faster,"Scott explained and Stiles sighed:"Of course she is." "Stiles what's wrong with the hood of your jeep?,"I asked. "What do you mean nothing's wrong,"Stiles stated. "It's bent,"Scott proclaimed. "What do you mean? Like dented?,"Stiles asked. "No he means bent,"I stated. I turned on his flashlight to get a better look and he saw what we meant. "What the hell happened to my jeep?,"he asked but I heard something come flying towards us and pushed both of them down as something came crashing through the window. "That's my battery,"Stiles stated as he made a move to get up. "Stiles don't,"Scott pulled him back down. "We have to move,"Stiles told Scott. "He could be right outside,"Scott tried. "He is right outside,"I seethed. "Just let me take a look,"Scott stated as he looked through the window. "Do you see anything?,"Stiles asked. "No,"me and Scott both say. "Move now?,"Stiles asked. "Move now," Scott replied. We walked out of the class towards the hallway. "This way,"Scott moved but Stiles grabbed him and said:"No no no. Somewhere without any windows." "Every single room in this building has windows,"Scott stated. "Somewhere with less windows then,"I tried. "The lockerroom,"Scott got the idea. "Yeah,"Stiles agreed. "Lead the way boys,"I jogged after them.

"Call your dad,"Scott told Stiles. "And tell him what?,"Stiles asked. "I don't know a gasleak, fire whatever. If that thing sees the parkinglot filled with copcars it'll take off,"Scott tried. "And what if it doesn't? What if it goes completely terminator and kills every cop in sight? Including my dad?,"Stiles asked. "Scott, Stiles' right,"I pointed out. "They have guns,"Scott countered. "Yeah and Lia had to be shot with a wolfsbane inlaced bullet to even slow down, remember that?,"Stiles asked. "We have to- we have to find a way out and just run for it,"Scott tried. "There's nothing near the school for atleast a mile,"Stiles exclaimed. "What about Derek's car?,"Scott asked. "That could work! We get outside, we take the keys off of his body take the car and go,"Stiles explained. "That's my dad you're talking about and if you really want to live that badly you'll rethink that sentence Stilinski,"I threatened and he gulped and backed away. I knew my eyes were blue. "We also take him,"Scott agreed. "Alright fine,"Stiles proclaimed as we were making our way towards the door. "Wait stop. Someone's coming," I stopped them. "Hide,"Scott ordered as they hid in the lockers. Idiots. I ran to the showers and hid there. It turns out it was the janitor and he caught Scott and Stiles forcing them out. Just when the door closed the alpha jumped on the janitor. I ran out to help but it swiped my chest and I banged my head against the locker knocking me out.

I woke up with the wound still not healed when I heard the idiots are in the lobby with Allison, Jackson and Lydia. I sensed the alpha near them. I ran out towards the lobby but before I could enter my dad grabbed me. "You can't go in there. He was struggling to stand and talk:"They blamed all the murders on us." He then looked down at my stomach and saw the slash marks. "You're hurt." "Dad I thought you died! You're still worried about me?,"I questioned. "I'll never stop worrying about you,"he answered. "We better get out of here before the cops show up. We need to rest and heal. Scott can fight this battle alone tonight,"I responded. "Yeah c'mon,"we helped each other walk to the car where my dad hid it and then drove off.

"Never scare me like that again,dad."

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