Chapter 22: Noms? What is that?

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----INGRIDS POV:----

Stepping off the bus, I can see Clayeidge in all its modernised glory. At least 3 stories tall, large paned Windows with students writing in marker (wipe off) with massive smiles in their faces, people sitting in the quad on laptops and iPads sharing knowledge, it's amazing. This really is the definition of a tech-forward school.

"Welcome to Clayeidge High, yada yada yada, I'm Tessa. Because you've met me doesn't make us friends.....oh." The that dark skinned girl stands infront of me says. I take a moment to inspect her: a dress too revealing and dressed up for school clings to her perfect hourglass body, dark coloured eyes and crochet braided hair in a flawless ponytail. 

"Little cousin. Sister. Gay boy. Random." Tessa spits, eyes darkening further with anger.

"Uh, if I remember, I'm older than both you and Shay by nine months. Don't call Thomas gay boy, it's not nice. And this, this is Ruth. Be polite or I will go TMNT on your ass." I say coolly, rolling my eyes. 

"I seriously do not care about anything you just said, nor did I listen. But still as geeky and friendless as ever. And again, don't talk to me or even come near me: I." She gestures to herself "Am. Not." She shakes her head "Your." She gestures to all of us "Friend." She finishes, turns on her heel and struts away.

"Bitch." Cody mutters. 

"Please all students go to the meeting hall for the Noms announcement, please. NOW!"

"Noms? What's that, Shay?" Ruth and I ask alike. Cody groans and throws his head back.

"Oh, Honey. You don't wanna know." An attractive boy of Indian descent says, walking to Thomas and hugging him. "Samael Darzi. Dad Indian, Mum Hebrew. Now, Tommy, lest get to the hall." 

Thomas takes his hand and walked away, shooting us a smile over his shoulder.

"Ok, since Sam decided not to tell, I'll be the bringer of bad news. There is a contest, called the single games here at Clayeidge. I've been trying to be nominated for nearly 5 years and was finally nominated at the end of last year, which means I go into the raffle to be one of the two females in the single games. New students are ensured a place. Rosie, you applied here first, then Ruth. But since we had so many applications last year, we've decided that only one of you will get the place. Now let's go. I wanna see who might get deemed the lonelyst bastard at Clayeidge." Shay huffs. She walks toward the school, ushering me and Ruth behind her. 

"Explain. Shay. Now." Ruth says.

"Explain what? Exactly?" Shay groans. "We're gonna be late at this rate."

"Why you'd wanna enter a contest like this. It's stupid."

"Well, the entire student populated knows about the contest. All the guys and girls will have people swamping at their feet. Because the title of 'dateable' goes before each contestants name: 'Dateable' Shay Lawrence for example. The last person to be disqualified is the loneliest bastard at Clayeidge is automatically put into the contest for the next year unless they graduate. The choose 4 people per grade but the whole school gets free run of everyone. Years 8-12, we've had year 12s disqualifying year 8s, in the past. No, no pedophilia, it's monitored." She shakes her head, still leading us along. "And you are still in the competition until someone you like asks you out, in which you're still in until you've been together for a month. I just don't wanna be lonely no more."

We enter the packed meeting hall and are used by an ash blonde haired male teacher to a row of remaining seats. I swing my bag off my back and place it between my legs, sitting between a gorgeous darkhaired boy and Shay.

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