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So I suck at descriptions and covers but thanks to you if you're reading this, hopefully it will not disappoint!

The picture is what I imagine Sol looking like

Fury - wild or violent anger

It was just like any other day. I was enjoying a peaceful morning ride along the riverbank on my beautiful jet black mare, Sol. Her coat shimmered in the sunlight and absorbed all of the suns heat.

I led her down to the shallow part of the river and took her saddle off, letting her breathe and splash in the water.

"Okay, thats enough." I giggled as Sol pawed at the water. She shook the droplets out of her mane, I whistled and she walked back up the bank to where I was.

She dropped her head to eat the grass as I saddled her again, and vaulted on using a nearby rock. I was about to nudge her on when I heard a groaning noise coming from behind us.

I turned around, and there was a very sickly looking person. They had blood and mud splattered all over them, it seemed as if they were reaching out for help.

"Are you okay?" I asked and dismounted Sol again. I walked towards the person, I could now tell it was a woman by the long hair and dress.

"Ma'am, are you feeling alright?" I asked as the woman continued to stumble towards me. Her eyes looked cold and lifeless, whatever was making her sick, I didn't want it.

"Look, I'll go get help." I said and started backing away. The woman ran at me, and brought us down to the floor. I kicked her off me easily as she didn't weigh a lot, and got up and ran to Sol.

"Cmom girlie." I panted and ungracefully swung my leg over her back. Sol squealed and I looked behind, the woman had hold of her tail.

"Get!" I shouted and gave Sol a kick, she darted forward like a racehorse, the woman collapsed and started crawling along the ground. She got further away as Sol galloped forward.

The familiar territory of my parents farm came into view. My mum was loading furniture into the horse trailer while my dad loaded suitcases into the back.

"Mum? Whats going on?" I asked, my voice trembled with worry.

"I don't know Chey. Some sick person got into the house and hurt Jimmy. He's bleeding pretty bad. The radio says go north as the virus hasnt got that far." She rushed out as she took Sol from me and loaded her in the trailer with the partition separating her from the furniture, with her tack on and everything.

"Mum she needs untacking." I said as she lifted the ramp.

"No time. Get in the car and-" she stopped talking and gazed behind me. There was a giant herd of people walking out of the forest, towards our farm.

"Get in! Now!" My dad yelled and got in the car. I jumped in next to my brother Jimmy. There was a blood soaked cloth on his neck, he was getting paler, his breathing was shallow.

"We have to get Jimmy help." I said desperately.

"We know that, Chey. We'll get him to the hospital." Mum said. Dad pulled out of the driveway and onto a road. I sat back and gazed out of the window, there were people everywhere.

"Whats wrong with them?" I asked no one in particular.

"I don't know. Somethin' ain't right. One of em' tried to kill Jimmy. I shot it in the chest 3 times, it kept comin'. No normal human would've survived that. When it came at me, I shot it in the head. It didn't try again after that." My dad said. I could hear the uncertainty in his tone. My dad was a hard man, but even this was messing him up.

"Dave! Look out!" My mum screamed but it was too late. A car smacked into the side of us, my head smashed against the window, knocking me out instantly.


My eyes started to focus as I blinked a few times. I could hear a scratching sort of sound. I looked out of my window and saw a face next to mine, trying to break through the glass.

I screamed and backed away. I was still in the car, it was dark outside by now. Mum and dad sat in the front, lifelessly.

"Mum? Dad?" I whispered. Nothing. Something next to me stirred.

"Jimmy?" I asked he opened his eyes and slowly looked at me. Those eyes. They were lifeless, like the ones the woman in the forest had. Jimmy lunged at me, I screamed and waited for it, nothing came. I looked up slowly and saw the seatbelt was stopping him from getting to me. His arms were outstretched, but they weren't long enough. I cowered in the corner and cried. I ended up crying myself to sleep.

When I woke up again the sun was just rising. Jimmy was still trying to reach me, I was very grateful for seatbelts. The other person by my window had gone, I opened the door and got out. I took one last glance at my parents, my mother bagan to stir, like Jimmy had. She made a screeching noise and snapped her teeth towards my dad. She leant over and bit into his arm, blood spewed everywhere.

I put a hand over my mouth to silence my sobs. I ran to the back of the car and opened the boot where all our belongings were. I grabbed bags and bags, I heard a nicker come from the trailer.

"Sol?" I whispered and looked through the glass. She had eaten all her hay. I opened the jockey door and hopped into the trailer. There was a small cut on her shoulder which stained her black coat, but it didn't look too bad.

I got out of the trailer and examined my surroundings, we were near the highway, the car that had smacked into us had failed to stop at the red light at the cross section.

The road was clear, except from a few cars littered around which people had decided to abandon. I lowered the ramp and backed Sol out then tied her to the trailer and went to grab my stuff. I avoided looking at my mum, who was still devouring my dad, and Jimmy who was trying to reach me from the back seats.

I attached the saddle bags to the back of Sol's saddle and threw in food and drink which my parents had packed. I rummaged through my dads suitcase, my hand landed on something hard. I pulled it out, it was his rifle. He'd given me a few lessons on how to shoot, he took me out hunting a few times and I managed to bag myself some rabbits.

I wiped the tear away which was trickling down my face and slung the gun over my back. I walked back over to Sol, when I was satisfied I had all my belongings. I jumped on her and let her lead me into a completely new dimension.

We walked down the abandoned road, in hope to find some humanity.


New zombie story, yay

This story is going to be based off the walking dead, but I will change a few things

If you want to read more zombie stories by me, I have one called 'More than Horses' which is based off Red Dead Redemption Undead Nightmare, it would mean a lot if you could check it out😃


- horse_cray

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