Chapter 13

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Shane looked back to the herd of walkers, he couldn't see Chey but he knew she was in the middle of all that.

"I just left her!" He shouted angrily to himself. She'd sacrificed herself to save Shane and Glenn.

Promise me that gets to Hershel soon

He wouldn't let her down. He hobbled as quick as he could to the car and threw the backpacks onto the backseat. He started the car and high tailed out of there.

He pulled up by the farmhouse, Rick along with everyone else rushed out of the house and helped Shane.

"Wheres Chey?" Rick asked once he noticed she wasn't with him.

"We... we were in deep shit man." Shane started to say, but trailed off. He felt too guilty to talk, Rick pulled him in for a hug.

"C'mon we'll get this stuff to Glenn. We were going to operate without the stuff." Rick said, Shane didn't miss the tear down his cheek or the choked sob he tried to hide when Chey didn't appear. Shane knew Rick cared a lot for Chey, maybe he even saw her a daughter, even if they had only known her for a few days.

Lori and Maggie took the bags into the house and Rick and Daryl helped Shane get to the couch where he could rest.

"So what actually happened?" Daryl asked when they put Shane onto the couch. Everyone gethered around ready to hear the story.

"We... we were trapped in the gym." Shane began.


Chey climbed up the wall and collapsed next to me. I was looking down at the walkers scratching on the wall, they had been so close to getting her, but I pulled her up just in time.

"That was close." She gulped. How were we going to get out of here now?

"We can kill some now then get back down when the herd has lessened?" She suggested and I nodded. I loaded my gun and started shooting the walkers one by one. Chey did the same and soon the crowd was only small.

"You jump down and I'll cover you from here. Theres windows over there I can get out of if everything goes to shit." I pointed to the windows and she nodded. I offered her my hand and held her as she climbed back down the wall, shooting walkers either side of her with my free hand.

Damn she's pretty badass

I noticed more walkers cowering in the shadows, I gripped tighter but it was too late. She let go of me and landed lightly. She turned her head to the walkers which were now coming our way, groaning as they moved.

"Shit. I'll lead them away, you get out of that window." She yelled to me and began running through a different door to which we came in. The walkers were close on her heels as she ran out of there.

I rubbed my head and looked to the window. I grabbed the backpack and carefully walked along the edge. I smashed the glass with my gun and looked around. All the walkers had followed Chey out of that door. I breathed in and looked down, there was a small hedge which would break my fall. I chucked the backpack and my shotgun down first before climbing over, being careful of the shards of glass.

I held onto the frame when suddenly a walker grabbed my hand. I tried to shake it off but it wasn't budging. My feet dangled against the wall, I punched the walker but that only made it angrier. It snapped its jaws at me menacingly. I grabbed my gun with my free hand and shot it as it was about to bite my arm. The body fell limp and I was falling.

I missed the hedge completely and landed funnily on my ankle. It bent to the side at a weird angle, pain shooting through my foot.

"Fuck!" I yelled and cradled my throbbing ankle. I heard groans coming from my right and saw walkers stumbling my way. I grabbed the bag and my gun and limped away quickly.

Walkers cut me off in every direction, I was trapped against a mesh fence with walkers cornering me. I blindly shot at the walkers, trying to get them away from me. My gun clicked and I knew I was screwed. Just as more walkers were advancing on me they fell at my feet.

Chey stood there, her gun smoking as she ran to my side.

"She helped me walk, shootin' all the walkers as they came. I knew we weren't goin' to make it. I told her. She looked directly at me and said I will. I was confused, she gave me the bag and said 'Go, I'll keep them away. Promise me that gets to Hershel soon.' She walked away, smilin'.

'I cant leave you!' I said.

'I'll be fine. Go back to the farm, I'll see you there.' She told me before jumpin' into that herd like it was just a pool of water. The walkers crowded her, I couldn't see her, didn't hear nothing, she got out. I know she did." Shane finished. He hoped Chey had survived, but what was the chance. He saw the way that herd pounced like a lion onto a gazelle.

"We'll hold a funeral for her tomorrow." Rick announced. Beth started sobbing, Maggie hugged her younger sister in comfort. Even Lori shed a tear, she grabbed Carl and went upstairs. Shane looked down at his feet, as much as he didn't want to admit it, she couldn't have survived that. There was at least 30 walkers, she had no ammo, only a knife.

"Yeah, okay." He agreed in defeat and settled down on the couch for the night.

He closed his eyes, but sleep was far away. His mind kept replaying the scene over and over again, Chey giving him the bag and jumping into the herd. Eventually, after what seemed like forever, Shane fell asleep, but it wasn't peaceful.

"How could you leave me there!" Shane looked around the dark living room. The voice had woken him from his sleep.

"What? Who are you? Where are you?" Shane cautiously yelled into the darkness. He squinted his eyes but it didn't help.

"I saved you and you didn't even attempt to save me!" The voice yelled again. A figure stepped out of the darkness and into the streak of moonlight which had slipped through the crack in the curtains.

"Chey?" Shane asked in disbelief. No, it couldn't be. "You're dead!" Shane shouted to the shadow.

"You killed me Shane." She said and walked closer. Shane tried to mush himself as far into the back of the sofa as he could, to hide himself from this... nightmare.

"No! I didn't! You did! You jumped into that herd!" Shane cried.

"No Shane. You pushed me." She said and pulled out a gun.

"So I'm going to kill you." She laughed manically and pulled the trigger.

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