Chapter 17

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"We should go to the highway, thats where everyone will go." Rick said and kept driving.

"I don't know Rick, what if they already found somewhere?" Lori said and stroked Carl's hair.

"If we got separated they would always know to go there, its worth a shot." He reasoned. Lori sighed.

"He's right. What if my mum made it there?" Sophia said. It was the first time she'd spoke in a while.

"Okay, lets go." Lori smiled, it had to be worth a try at least.

"I hope everyone else is there." Carl said sleepily.

"They will, I know they will." Rick said full of determination.

Meanwhile, T-Dog had pulled over for the night. He needed to rest and so did everyone else.

"I can drive for a bit, if you want." Maggie suggested.

"No its fine, I think we're all tired and need a rest." He said and leant back in the seat.

"What are we going to do?" Randall suddenly asked. They hadn't come up with a plan.

"Whatchu' mean." T-Dog asked, his eyes still closed.

"Well we need to come up with a plan sooner or later. We cant just keep driving around with no destination." Randall said.

T-Dog sighed. "We'll go east. Find a boat, get out of this messed up place."

"What about the others?" Beth asked.

"What 'bout em?"

"We cant just leave without attempting to look for them." She frowned. If it were Rick he would search the whole state for them.

"They're long gone, probably found their own place by now."

"Thats not true! We need to look, we need make sure they're okay!" Beth said, why was he so against looking for the rest of the group?

"And where do we look? They ain't gonna go back to the farm, they aint gonna wait around hoping we cross their path again. We gotta leave and start a new life again." T-Dog sounded fed up by now. Beth slouched in the corner of the car and looked through the window at the darkness.

"The highway." Glenn mumbled. His voice was dry and scratchy from sleeping for so long.

"What?" Everyone except Glenn asked at the same time.

"C'mon T-Dog, you know they'll be there." Glenn sat up and rubbed his tired eyes.

"How do you know?" Randall asked.

"When Sophia was missing, we left food on one of the cars. That where our camp was for a few days, they have to be there." He reasoned.

"Your outta your goddamn mind." T-Dog slammed his hands on the steering wheel.

"You know they'll be there. Everyone will have had the same idea. And if they're not then..." Glenn trailed off.

"You can't be serious?" T-Dog looked back at them.

"Its worth a try, isn't it?" Beth asked and Maggie nodded.

"I do not believe what I'm hearing..." T-Dog muttered.

"C'mon, we ain't got anything to loose." Maggie said.

"Um, fuel? Time? Energy?" T-Dog replied. Beth rolled her eyes.

"Listen if you want to go east fine, we'll walk to the highway." Beth said and got out of the car.

"Are you crazy? Its the middle of the night! You've got nothing to defend yourselves with!" T-Dog exclaimed.

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