Chapter 2

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I woke up to the sound of chattering outside the stables. The doors slid open and daylight blinded me, I squinted up at the figure who was walking towards me. They blocked the sun and I could make out it was Rick. He untied my ankles but left my hands tied and helped me to my feet. We exited the stall and walked over to the farmhouse where everyone was sat.

They all looked up as we approached, some looked unsure and others looked intreagued.

"Where are Glenn and Maggie?" Rick asked.

"They went on a run, should be back soon." An older man with white hair said. I heard the sound of soft hoofbeats and snapped my head towards the noise, praying it was Sol. My heart sunk a little when I saw it wasn't her. The people put the horses in the stables and emerged a little while later, walking to the group.

"Okay everyone is here now?" Rick asked and glanced around. "Okay, when me and Shane went on a run yesterday we found this girl and Shane thought it was within her best interest to bring her along, so we're going to ask her some questions then vote if she stays." Rick continued his little speech then looked at me.

"I don't need your people's help." I said and Rick looked at me with a pitiful glance.

"You are skinny my dear, a few decent meals will fix you up." The woman with long brown hair said.

"How many walkers have you killed?" Was the first question.

"A lot." I replied. My voice was a little hoarse from not drinking anything for a while, but Rick actually looked surprised that I had answered.

"How many people have you killed?" Was the next question. I couldn't actually remember, most of it was for self defence.

"A lot." I said again. Shane was quick to pull his gun out and shove it in my face.

"Sorry Rick, maybe I was wrong. She's gonna get us killed." He said and looked at me like a mad man, which pissed me off. He didn't even know me, the things I had to do for survival. I huffed and looked away.

"Put the gun down Shane, we don't know that yet." Rick said and moved next to me so he wasn't holding me anymore. Shane looked at Rick for a split second, I hooked my leg around his ankles which sent him off balance tumbling to the ground. I stood on his wrist which was holding the gun before he had a chance to aim it at me again.

"The only people I would kill were those threatening me and currently you're one of them. And seeing as I don't want to die just yet, I'll spare your life." I snarled and removed my foot from his wrist. He glared harshly at me but didn't say anything. I watched him get up and slide his gun into its holster.

"Is this what you want?!" He began to shout. I heard Rick mutter something from besides me as Shane continued to yell. "This girl is gonna put our group in danger! She could have people in the forest with snipers trailed on us right now! We could all die, and her group would take over this farm, take our stuff, she'll murder us brutally!" He continued to shout. He spun around and aimed the gun at me again. "But I ain't taking no chances." He said. Before he could pull the trigger Rick slammed the side of his gun against his face, knocking him out cold.

"Shane isn't wrong though. She even said she'd killed a lot of people." A blonde woman said. Others nodded in agreement while some just shook their head.

"Well how about we question her then?" Rick asked.

"Where are you from?" A woman with grey hair asked. She had red puffy eyes which indicated she'd been crying. Maybe she had lost someone.

"Florida but originally England. We were driving up north because the radio said the virus hadn't got that far yet. On the way there we got in a car crash. My little brother was already bit, but my parents died in the crash. My mother turned and started eating my dad, I took our supplies and left. Spent some time with my horse, trying to make it up north. I was raiding a shop when your friend here decided to bring me here." I gestured to Shane's unconcious form on the ground and finished my little speech.

"Where is your horse now?" A woman with short brown hair asked. I noticed she was the one who was riding the horse before.

"Dunno, she was with me when I was at the store. Might still be around, don't known where though." I shrugged. It would kill me if I lost my Sol, but I'd have to get over it.

"Were you with a group?" A man asked, he was older and had a straw hat on.

"No, the groups were always to psycho, wanted to kill everyone, weak, lacking in supplies, or tried to kill me." I clarified. My stomach rumbled as a sudden wave of hunger washed through me.

"Well I'd say you're welcome to stay." The old man with white hair said.

"Look, I appreciate it but I really don't do groups. Plus Rick here said you weren't taking in anymore people." I said and nodded to Rick who looked down.

"Well I'll make you some food at least, you must be hungry." The old man said. I felt bad, these people shouldn't have to care for me. Maybe if I said yes I could sneak out later.

"Okay." I gave in and he smiled. I felt my hands being untied by Rick. Everyone else stood up and wandered to the farmhouse, except Shane who was still passed out.

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