Chapter 9

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We arrived back at the farm a little while later. Everyone was busy doing their own stuff, though they looked tense. The atmosphere was thick as we stepped out of the car.

"What's going on?" I asked Beth who was sat on the porch.

"Dale. The bullet hit an artery in his leg, daddy is doing all he can but... he's not sure he'll survive." Beth said with a sigh. I nodded and sat down next to her.

"I can't seem to take my mind off it. The group would be devastated if they lost him." She looked down at her hands.

"Do you want to go on a ride? Maybe that'll clear your head." I suggested and she smiled.

"That'd be nice. I'll just let Maggie know." She said and ran to find Maggie. I started walking to the stables, Sol nickered when she saw me.

"Hey girlie. You've been stuck in this stable for a while haven't you. Well I'm going to take you out today." I spoke to her a stroked her nose. She nuzzled my shoulder, her warm breath heating up my neck.

"I didn't know you and your horse had such a good relationship." I turned around and saw Shane stood there watching me. Creepy.

"You could say that." I mumbled and scratched Sol's ear.

"We could be like that you know." I heard Shane say, he was a lot closer now than before.

"After trying to kill me? No thanks." I scoffed. Suddenly my back was against the wall with my hands pinned above my head.

"C'mon babe, I said I was sorry." He whispered in my ear and started kissing my neck.

"Hmm you've got to impress me to make me forgive you." I whispered seductively and rubbed myself onto him, two can play this game.

As expected, his hands let go of my arms and he began feeling my body, I teased him for a little bit until I noticed his legs moved apart as he got closer to me. I swiftly lifted my knee and kicked him where the sun don't shine. He doubled over and gasped in pain, I kicked him in the stomach, he fell to the floor gasping for air.

"Try that again and I'll be the one trying to kill you, and trust me, it wont be painless." I threatened. He glared at me before getting up and walking away.

"You'll be sorry, bitch."

I just laughed and turned away. Only to see Beth stood there with her jaw on the floor.

"We going riding or?" I asked and slipped Sol's halter and led her out with the leadrope. I used the fence to get on and soon Beth was riding besides me.

We rode for a little while in the fields. It was peaceful for me, but probably very awkward for Beth.

"So... um..." Beth began and I laughed.

"You can ask if you want. But I think you saw most of it yourself." I smirked at her.

"Why? What? I-I'm confused." She stuttered which made me laugh even more.

"I think Shane is a bit sex deprived." Was all I said.

"Oh... uh..." poor Beth.

"C'mon we better get back." I said and turned Sol around. Beth followed as we cantered back to the farm. When we got back it was late and Shane was creating merry hell like always.

"What now?" I groaned and jumped off Sol. I handed her to Beth and told her to put them away.

"Whats going on now?" I asked Maggie who was stood with Glenn. She looked angrily at Glenn before stomping off to the house.

"Um. There's walkers in the barn." He said nervously.

"Well why don't we kill them?" I asked and got my gun ready.

"They're Maggie's family. They turned and Hershel put them all in there. I know they're walkers, but they were once Maggie's family." He said and I sighed.

"Those... things in there are not Maggie's family. Maggie's family are up there." I said and pointed to the sky.

"You're right lets do this." He said and got his gun out.

Just then I saw Rick and Hershel emerge from the forest holding on to two walkers.

"What is that?" Shane asked and began running towards them. Everyone else followed behind him with guns in their hands.

"What the hell you doing?!" Shane yelled at Rick.

"Shane just calm down." Andrea said.

"Calm down?! You see what he's holding onto?! These things aint sick, they ain't people, they're dead!" He yelled running around Rick and Hershel.

"Shane stop!" Rick desperately yelled but Shane kept going.

"Hershel let me ask you something. Could a living, breathing person walk away from this?" He asked and shot the walker in the chest 3 times.

"Thats 3 rounds to the chest, if its someone who's alive could they just take that? Why's it still coming?" He yelled and shot it again.

"Shane! Enough!" Rick yelled.

"Hey you're right man. That is enough." Shane said and shot the walker in the head.

He began yelling again but I didn't listen. Hershel's face absolutely destroyed me, he collapsed to the ground in despair, still clutching tightly to the pole which no longer had a walker on it.

Shane grabbed the pickaxe which sat near the barn door and began smashing the lock. Everyone was shouting at Shane to stop, but he wasn't. He'd officially lost it. The barn door crept open and the first walker stumbled out.

I was tied between not helping and helping, this used to be Hershel's family, but not anymore. They killed Jimmy, my mum started eating my dad.

They were dangerous.

I grabbed my gun and ran up next to Andrea, shooting down the walkers as they fled out. Everyone was gathered around shooting, the walkers kept coming but we kept mowing them down. Shane killed the one Rick was holding on to, and soon the last walker fell to the ground.

Beth ran out of the stables, probably to see what all the shooting was about. She stopped dead in her tracks and looked at the pile of walkers on the ground before bursting into tears.

"I want you off my land. Now." I heard Hershel say to Rick before walking away.

"Look what you've done." Rick shook his head at Shane before following after Hershel.


So if you don't remember Jimmy was Chey's little brother in the beginning but he was bit

And ahhhhhh that bit with shane was so awkward to write😂😂

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