Chapter 1

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I slid along the wall with my gun in my hands guarding my chest, ready to shoot. With my back against the hard surface, I knew nothing could sneak up behind me.

The door was almost in reaching distance. I took a deep breath and tried the handle.


"Dammit." I whispered in frustration and lay my head back. The store had a window, I peered in and didn't see anything. I glanced back and saw there were a few stray undead, but they were all too far away to notice me. I decided to go round the back of the shop and look for a back door instead of breaking through a window.

The back of the shop led to an alleyway which held all the dumpsters. I pulled out my knife and slipped my gun away as I saw a lone walker with its back to me. I slowly crept up behind it and rammed my knife through its skull, putting it out of its misery. I stared at the body, killing these things never got easier.

I walked along the alleyway and found a back door to the shop. I tried the handle, the door creaked open, I cringed and waited for a few seconds to listen for any walkers. None. I walked into the dark store and couldn't see much, a broken vending machine with a flickering light was all it had.

I heard the door creaking and stopped dead in my tracks. I was about to turn around, then I heard it. The click.

"Don't. Move." A voice threatened me. I clenched my jaw but stood still. I heard the person moving, they began patting me down and got my knife and gun. "Turn around." I did as told and came face to face with a shotgun. The guy holding it had black hair, and a pretty big nose. I would've laughed but my life was on the line here.

"Shane! What are you doing?" Another man walked through the door and whisper yelled to said 'Shane'.

"Look 'ere what I found." Shane said. The man, who obviously hadn't noticed me, looked up.

"We don't have any more room, no offence girl." The guy said to Shane and looked at me with regret. I took in his appearance, he was wearing a sheriffs outfit. Shane stared at me and licked his lips, whether it was intentional or not.

"We'll take her with us anyway. She'll die out here." He said and grabbed my arm roughly and dragged me out of the store.

"Shane! No, we don't know her." The other man said and followed us. When we were out of the alleyway he stood in front of Shane, blocking his path.

"We can't take in any more."

"Oh c'mon Rick! The old man won't mind! Plus how dangerous can she be, she's small and skinny." Shane said, giving me a glance over and continued dragging me.

He was speaking as if I wasn't here.

"Just because I'm small doesn't mean I'm not dangerous." I mumbled but neither men heard me.

"No Shane. We're already on thin ice with Hershel, he said specifically no more people." So called 'Rick' said. Shane rubbed his head with his free hand and looked at me.

"We'll just tell him we saved her or somethin' and she'll be gone soon." Shane said. Rick shook his head but didn't argue anymore. We began walking across the fields to somewhere. I looked down at my feet, what about Sol? I trained her a long time ago to come when I whistle, she picked it up quite quickly and came to me as quickly as she could. I leave her free so she could always run away unlike if she was tied up.

She would be okay.

"What was that?" Shane asked. I didn't realise he was talking to me until he yanked on my arm to get me to stop.

"What?" I asked.

"You said somethin'." He narrowed his eyes.

"Leave the girl alone. We're almost there." Rick cut in and walked ahead. A big barn came into view, along with a white two storey farm house. Rick climbed through the fence and waited for me to do so as Shane climbed through last.

We continued walking until we got closer to the house, there were lots of people here. A woman looked up from where she was hanging up laundry, she smiled and ran over to us. Rick caught her in his arms as they hugged, I looked away feeling as if I was invading their privacy.

"Who's this?" I heard the woman mumble. She looked over Rick's shoulder at me. Rick whispered something to her and she nodded, walking back to where she came from.

"Take her to the stables, we'll deal with her later." Rick said and Shane nodded, dragging me over to the stables. He opened up the big doors and led me in to an empty stall. I heard him get something out of his pocket before my hands were tied around my back and I was shoved to the floor. The wood scraped my hands but I didn't flinch, Shane kneeled in front of me and tied my ankles together before walking out of the stables. I slighed amd rested my head back, maybe I could get some well needed rest. I closed my eyes and was consumed by darkness.

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