Chapter 28

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Lil vid for you guys

Theres always a time in life when you stop and think, why? Why does everything that happens happen? Does it happen for a reason, or is it just a coincidence.

My initial thought was karma, but I recall never really doing anything bad.

Well, except killing a few people, okay maybe a lot of people but that was all them, not me.

My head was cast downwards and my eyes kept fading in and out of focus, I slowly looked from side to side to see my arms bound with duct tape to a wooden chair.

"Hey... awake?" A shadow crept into my vision. Boots stood a few feet away from me as I desperately tried to gain consciousness.

"Damn, you really knocked the shit outta her." That voice, it was one I resented.

More effort seemed required, probably due to my drowsy state, but I managed to look up to come face to face with The Governor with Andrea in the background.

"Helloo, are you there?" He asked while smirking. I looked over at Andrea, how could she do this? To me, to the group who saved her multiple times.

"I knew you'd come back, it was just a question of when. Andrea has told me about your group, how it works, your people..." the Governor continued blabbering on, I noted the weapons he and Andrea had, I wouldn't be able to take them both on, plus I was tied to a chair.

"If you tell me where your camp is, I'll let you and your friend go without harm." He came back round and stood in front of me.

"My friend?" I questioned.

"Yes the violent one, what was his name?" He asked Andrea.

"Shane." She replied a little hesitantly.

"Ah yes. I've already had a little discussion with him." He smiled evilly and I knew 'discussion' didn't mean talking.

"I'll kill you, not today, not tomorrow, but I'll kill you." I smiled up at him. "And you must know, I always keep my promises." (A/n hahah sorry i went there guyyss)

The Governor's face twisted into rage, his hands clenched into fists and I expected the punch to come, but it never did.

"You have 3 seconds to tell me where you're hiding before I go into that other room and cut Shane's hand off." Andrea winced a little at the thought as she stared at the ground. I kept my mouth shut.

He turned around and whispered something to Andrea then they both left. Not even a minute later the door sprung open, and there Andrea stood holding onto a walker.

"Where is the group!" She demanded and brought the walker closer to my face. I avoided it arms as it scratched towards my face.

"Suit yourself! You're a pretty big snack for this fella! You know what they say," she started retreating back out the room "he'll be hungry again in an hour!" And then she let it go.

I started to panic, what could I do? I was duct taped to a chair with a walker running at me. I kicked my legs out and pushed it backwards, which also made me fall. The tape was digging into my skin as I managed to get back up just as the walker started running at me again.

I span around and hit the walker with the chair, it fell to the floor and I had a few seconds to break the legs on the wall. The chair smashed against the wall and a chunk of wood broke off into my hand. The walker rammed into me, pinning me against the wall. I screamed as it bit down on the duct tape which allowed me to ram the wood through its skull.

The walker fell limp at my feet, I looked down before I bent over and vomited. Swallowing the lump in my throat I proceeded to unbind the tape which was on my arms. The chair breaking had managed to tear it off a little bit which made it easier for me.

The last of the tape peeled off when I heard commotion from next door. I pushed my ear to the wall and listened to the faint conversation.

"Lets go see if your lil girlfriend will tell us where your camp is with a bit of threatening." The Governor chuckled. Muffled shouting, I guess they had covered Shane's mouth.

I ran and hid behind the door just as it opened, hiding me from view. Shane came first with a gun pointed to his head, then The Governor. They were close to me, I could reach out and grab his gun. I saw 2 more shadows behind the Governor. I took a deep breath and launched.

"What the-" he was cut off as I wrenched the gun from his hand, it fired and the bullet planted itself into the far wall, I didn't waste time and shot the two assistants then aimed it at him.

"Okay, put the gun down, we can talk about this." He said and raised his hands in surrender.

"Talk to this." I pressed the trigger, the bullet flew and got his right eye. He fell to the ground in silence.

I turned to Shane and ripped the tape off his mouth and arms.

"Are you okay?" I asked and hugged him. He had a pretty busted up face. He nodded silently I sighed and made my way out of the door, picking up the guns from the dead bodies and handed one to Shane. I heard voices shouting after us, which is when we started running through the tombs. We were nearly at the end when a figure stepped out in front of us with a gun.

"I cant let you go." Andrea said shakily with tears running down her face. She pulled the hammer down which made the gun click.

"I'm sorry." She sobbed. I shut my eyes and waited for the bullet, the end. The shot rang out but I never got hit. A thump sounded and I opened my eyes. Andrea lay in front of us, her head pooled in crimson blood. Martinez stood behind her, gun in hand.

"C'mon we gotta go." He said. I looked at Shane who was staring at Andrea's body. I grabbed his hand and we followed after Martinez. We hopped over the gate, there was a car on the otherside, and someone I thought I'd never see again.

"Sol." I whispered and ran over to her. She nuzzled my shoulder as I squeezed her neck hard.

"How did you find her?" I asked Martinez who was getting in the car.

"I'll tell you later, we have to go." The car revved as I vaulted on Sol, we followed the car where we arrived back at the prison. I jumped off and opened the gate and let the car through and shut it again. I walked up the hill with Sol where Shane and Martinez were getting out the car. The others had heard and had come out to see.

"Wheres Chey?" Maggie asked a little reluctantly, it was like deja vu, this had happened once before.

Shane looked behind to where Sol and I had just climed the small hill. Maggie smiled and ran forward, embracing me in a hug.

"I thought it happened again." She whispered into my ear.

"I'm still here. And here I'll always be." I smiled and pulled away. The others got introduced to Martinez and went inside and I stayed out until dark with Sol. I heard footsteps approaching and then someone sat next to me.

"I never got to thank you, for what you did. It was really brave." Shane said. I looked over to see him fiddling with his hands.

"It was nothing, I'm sure you would've done the same if you were in my position." I said.

"But I don't think I coulda' I was angry, woulda' got us both killed, I aint nothin compared to you-"

"Its over now, we don't have to worry." I smiled and stared into his brown eyes. He smiled back, and we just stayed in silence.


Was this cute af or what

It took me ages to write this chapter, I just couldnt get it right but I finally like this one:)

Vote and comment, means a lot


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