Chapter 18

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My head pounded and I ached all over. And what was that god awful stench? I opened my eyes, and tried to sit up, but my head bashed against something hard, making me express a string of curse words.

"Where the fuck am I?" I asked myself. My head lolled to the side and a walker face was right there. I nearly screamed, but my throat was so dry nothing came out.

The walker didn't move, it had blood pooling round its head. What looked like a stab wound coming from its head.

I shoved the walker to the side, daylight blinded me, I shut my eyes until I adjusted to the light.

I shymmied the best I could out of the small space and into the open, I just lay on my back for a while trying to comprehend life.

I sat up slowly so the world wasnt verticle, and looked at my surroundings, walkers, walkers and more walkers. Luckily they were all dead.

"Did I do this?" I asked myself and put a hand to my head. I looked back to where I had been, turns out I had taken refuge under a car.

I stood up slowly so I wouldn't pass out from blood rush.

I was still in the school, but why? Then I remembered it all.

I jumped into the herd and kept running, I avoided their grabby hands and their gnashing teeth, I just needed to make it out the other side. I was fast and crouched down when their hands tried to swipe at me.

I felt my hair being snagged on something, it hurt like a bitch, I reached up behind me with my knife and cut myself free. I would mourn the loss of my beautiful locks later.

I managed to get some distance between myself and the growing herd, however there weren't a lot of places left to hide. I was running out of options and soon I would be walker food.

In my blind panic, I slid under the nearest car, the walkers dropped down next to me, reaching their arms to try get me. I stabbed them in the head and soon I was surrounded by dead walkers.

They should mask my scent, hopefully.

I clutched my knife close to me, but didn't realise I was falling asleep from exhaustion until I blacked out.

I must've been under there for a few days, at least.

My stomach rumbled and a sudden wave of hunger came over me. I decided to maybe find the cafeteria, see if there was any food left. I only had my knife, my guns were all out of ammo so I would have to be quick and stealthy.

I walked around to the front of the school and pushed through the doors. There was a lone walker with its back to me. I sunck up behind it and rammed my knife through its skull.

There was another set of doors, bigger, heavier ones. I pulled them and nothing happened.

I peeked through the glass and saw no walkers, the school was pretty lit in the daylight. I pressed my boot against the glass, and kicked the door. The glass shattered straight away, without too much noise.

I crawled through the small gap, I was now in the school. There were hallways upon hallways, the cafeteria could be anywhere.

I looked at the reception desk, maybe there was a map.

I flicked through piles of paper, until something caught my eye, I pulled it out.

"Yas, okay." I said and looked at the map. If I were correct, the cafeteria should just be the first door on the right.

I looked up and saw the door was labelled 'cafeteria'.

"So much for common sense." I thought to myself and advanced forward.

I tried the door handle, it opened straight away. I walked in, looking all around. There were a few walkers in here, maybe they had tried to wait it out, maybe there wasnt any food left.

I walked forward, crouching behind the tables furthest from the walkers and moved up the the kitchen. I serched the cupboards and cabinets, only to come up empty handed.

I searched every nook and cranny, I found an empty bottle of water, that was all. I even searched the oven and the dishwasher, but nothing.

"Theres got to be something." I whispered to myself. I spotted a fridge I hadn't yet checked. I silently walked over to it and pulled the door open, something big fell on top of me.

I pushed the cold walker off me and quickly stabbed them in the head. I took a deep breath and looked in the fridge.

"Water! Praise the Lord!" I whispered. I wrenched the top off the water and downed the whole bottle. After nearly drowning myself, I looked at all the edibles in the fridge. A few chocolate bars, cereal bars, cans of beans or something, I took all I could carry, seeing as I gave my bag to Shane.

I hadn't thought about them in a while. How were they doing? Did they miss me?

I turned to leave and nearly tripped over the frozen walker, on my way out.

I looked down at it, I wonder what happened. Maybe they tried to hide in the fridge, or got locked in there and died from hypothermia?

I stepped over the body and swiftly made my way out of the school and back to the farm. I couldn't wait to see everyone and Sol! My darling I had forgotten about her. I swear if Maggie or Beth haven't been looking after her, I'll have some booty to kick.

I followed the long road back to the farm eating my beans as I went.


Pls dont kill meh.

Just a lil chapter to ease chey back into the land of the living😂 if anyone is confused please message me or just comment, I'll try make you unconfused aha

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