Chapter 3

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"You didn't even tell us your name." A blonde girl, probably around my age stated as we ate.

"Chey." I stated simply and stuffed my face with venison.

"We could always do with an extra person. The more people the more protection." Rick said as he looked at me. I cocked my head to the side, why would these people need protection? I hadn't seen a single walker since I'd been here.

"Thanks, but honestly I'm fine by myself." I said as I finished my food and thanked Hershel.

"Look, you can stay the night and we'll all talk more in the morning. Beth will show you a room." Hershel offered. I wanted to say no but with the look he was giving me I kept my mouth shut.

"Thanks." I said as Beth stood up and gestured for me to follow. We walked up the stairs and into a small room. Beth left me alone and I sat on the comfy bed. I took off my grimy jacket, jeans and boots before climbing into the bed and turning the light off, I fell asleep quickly.


Sunlight entered the room through the small crack in the curtains. I sat up in the bed and stretched my arms above my head. A soft knock on the door alerted me.

"Come in." I said as the door creeked open. Beth was stood there.

"You're awake. Daryl wanted someone to go hunting with, would you go?" She asked and I was a bit surprised. Who was Daryl?

"Uh sure." I said. Beth squealed.

"Alright, I'll let him know." She said and shut the door. I was a little bit confused but nevertheless, got out of bed and put on my clothes from yesterday. I laced my boots up and jogged down the stairs.

"Good morning Chey. Do you want breakfast?" Hershel offered.

"No I'm fine, thank you." I smiled. He looked skeptical but I left the house before he could reply. I jogged down the steps and looked for Beth. I spotted her with another woman and went over to her

"Hey Chey, Daryl is over there with Shane and Lori." She said. I nodded and went over to the two men. Shane was talking to Lori while Daryl cleaned his arrows. Shane lifted his hand and stroked Lori's cheek. She shook her head and removed his hand before walking away. I watched her walk away and Shane rub his head before I went over to them.

"Oh not you." Shane pleasantly greeted me as I made my way over.

"Nice to see you too." I said and folded my arms. Shane rolled his eyes and looked at me.

"Did you not bring any weapons. We're goin huntin y'know." He said and I arched a brow.

"Do you not remember taking all my weapons?" I questioned and he sighed and pulled a gun fixed with a silencer from his holster.

"Use this." He ordered. I slid the gun into my pocket before looking over to Daryl who didn't say anything, just nodded with his head for us to follow.

We walked into the forest, I was keeping a close eye on Shane, I still didn't trust him. He's the kind of person who would say we were going hunting, then kill me and tell the group I attacked him and got away.

And that thing with Lori? I'd have to keep an eye on him.

I spotted a squirrel scuttering along the branch of a tree, I aimed and shot it right in the head. It fell from the tree and I caught it easily. Shane muttered something but Daryl looked impressed.

"Where'd ya learn to shoot?" He asked me, it was the first time we'd actually talked.

"My dad taught me, we used to live on a farm similar to the one we're at now, we would hunt all sorts." I shrugged my shoulders.

I heard the sound of leaves crunching in the distance, the others must've heard it too as they stopped what they were doing.

"C'mon, might be a deer." Daryl muttered and carefully walked towards the noise. I followed after with my gun prepared. The bushes were thick, I could only see a bit of the body, it looked too big to be a deer. Unless it was a buck, they were quite big.

Shane raised his gun ready to shoot, the animal moved forwards a little bit and I could make out a leg.

Just before Shane pulled the trigger, I pushed him to the side, sending the bullet off track and hitting the tree next to the animal. The animal put it's head up, it was Sol.

"Sol!" I called and whistled. She neighed when she saw me and began trotting our way. She reached me, I threw my arms around hee neck and breathed in her horsey smell.

"I missed you. I can't believe you're all the way out here! And you still have all my stuff." I said and looked through the saddle bags, all my weapons and food were still there. I unattached my dads hunting rifle which was secured to her saddle and slung it on my back.

"Better keep movin'" Daryl said, unfazed by the whole thing and we moved forward. I pulled out the silenced gun as we continued forward. Sol stayed right behind me the entire time, we managed to bag squirrels, rabbits, even a deer which was lying over Sol's back. I had protested at first but it was easier than two people carrying it, and Sol didn't seem to mind.

We arrived back at the farm, everyone looked up from the campfire as they saw us approaching. Sol stood still as I dragged the deer off her back and let it fall to the floor.

"Wow good catch." Rick said and looked at the deer. I smiled, this would keep us going for a while.

"Well I've found my horse, I think we'll be going now." I said and ungracefully mounted Sol.

"But its nearly night, you can't go off by yourself in the middle of the night." Rick said, it was true though. Hershel came and stood next to Rick.

"He's right Cheyenne. At least stay for another night, and if you really want to leave you can go in the morning. I'll get Maggie to sort somewhere for your horse to stay." He said using my full name, which made me shudder and cringe. I thought about his offer for a while before finally giving in. Maggie came up and took Sol from me and led her to an empty stall.

The others looked happy I was staying, except Shane.

But no one cares about Shane.

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